
Dear Folks, There are fewer than 1500 tigers left in INDIA, and that's NOT a rumour.SAVE TIGERS!!!?

by  |  earlier

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We've been saying this since a while but it'sreached flash point now - Only aggressive and urgentmeasures can save the tiger. We need to act NOW. The least we can do is to support a popularcampaign that has the power of influencing thepolicy-makers to take remedial action. We don't haveenough time to plan or procrastinate. There is achance, but a last opportunity, to make amends andsafeguard the future of our national animal. Enoughdamage has been done and no more can be afforded. NDTV and Sanctuary have got together to launch acampaign that they call "Save the Tiger". They intendto collect one-million signatures and submit amemorandum to the Prime Minister demanding immediateaction to secure the remaining population of ourbeloved cat. All you need to do is just take twominutes off your schedule and visit this page enter your name and email address and support thecampaign. ALSO SPREAD THIS msg TO OTHERS.PLEASE HELP!THANK YOU!




  1. you are exactly correct........ even i received the same news that there are only 1500 tigers.......... i think when i was young there were lot of tigers but for past 5-6 years this decline has taken place.......

    Government has to make all the forest protected ie, all has to be turned national park and hunting must be highly punishable.....

  2. Why don't  the Indians save them??   Why do we have to save all the people and animals in the world, and then get told how much America is hated by everybody?

  3. yes dat's true..

    bt nobody cares abt dat....

    they only care abt thirseves..

    1day they r gonna tell thier childrens dat....

    "look we had an animal like dat"

    hey frnds

    pls pls pls pls

    keep asking quations abt the environment

    we've to save it

    so pls pls pls keep doin' ths kind work

    may be somebody will atrract nd will save da world

    (actually i was influenced by ths Q's..)

  4. Yes. We should save the tigers. But people are hunting them for their furs.

  5. Save the tigers by leaving them in there natural habitat. And not in zoo's or the  hands of other exotic animal keepers. they are dangerous animals that have no place other that there natural habitat!! Leave them alone period!!!

  6. at the time of kings rule,there were 50,000 tigers,now it as come to 1500 its true

  7. Yes u are true

  8. what is the critical number? do you know?

  9. yeah sure....i am impressed...

  10. Yes, we should save tigers, but many people want their furs, making it hard to save them.

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