
Dear KTDykes, am I supposed to take that? telling me I'm eucynodont? How would you like it...?

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If I said your ancestors came from the pleistocene epoch?




  1. <<Dear KTDykes, am I supposed to take that? telling me I'm eucynodont?>>

    As you, and all other mammals, are descendants of non-mammalian eucynodonts, that means all mammals are eucynodonts by birthright.  You may as well accept it.  Even if you don't, it remains accurate.

    The available evidence indicates you are a member of Mammalia: Probainognathia: Eucynodontia: Cynodontia: Therapsida: Synapsida: Amniota.  Congratulations!

    <<How would you like it...?

    If I said your ancestors came from the pleistocene epoch?>>

    Some of them were alive then.  Most my ancestors were earlier than that.

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