
Dear McCain, I have a quick question...?

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I was the treasurer of my high school in Westchestertonville, IA for my junior year. What are the chances I will get a republican nomination for VP?




  1. You are grossly under qualified and also ...grossly politically incorrect here.

    This woman is GOVERNOR of Alaska the few years she's been in office she's done way more then Obama has.

    Ask yourself kiddo....what was one thing he did in Senate?....what laws did he pass?..What bills did he purpose?  Do you know why you don't have an answer?

    I bet you do.

  2. Im not McCain.. I just have to say, your baby is due on my birthday. Congratulations!

  3. great point, and u really should write that letter. Because that's funny. lol

  4. Heh... I have a ton of friends in Alaska who are liberal, and they love  Palin to death.... I think McCain is being very foolish, he is doing what he did from the beginning, which is making himself look like a rebel... We know better, Go OBAMA!

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