
Dear Paranormal Researchers~Why is it much of the time GHOSTS DO THINGS BACKWARDS???

by  |  earlier

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Like 'some' walk backwards, or some may float backwards and some EVP researchers have to figure out messages which are reversed, WHY?

why do spirits do things backwards?

any other secrets we should know about?





  1. backwards? the only reference I'm famiure with is redrum which is murder backwards. When whiting something a ghost has to write things backwards because he is on the otherside some things like mirrors are a conduit to the other side but when writing on a mirror it reads backward

  2. sorry guy, I have never ran any evidence backwards, nor have I ever witnessed this happening in anything other than the movies for good special effects.

    EDIT: sorry , didnt read the name

  3. .od hcihw ,sdaot htiw ,tsixe t'nod hcihw ,stirips dna stsohg gnisufnoc er'uoY

  4. They exist in a dimension parallel to ours, which to us would seem as though it's backwards.

    Or maybe they just do it to really freak out the living!!!

  5. Here is an explaination which is probably about as valid as the existance of ghosts at all.

    When we die, our spirits live our lives backwards. Then when we reach infancy in the spirit world, our spirits end up in a pregnant woman and we are reincarnated.

    Hows that?

    I guess my real point is this.....

    You can't explain the mechanisms for something until you have established that something actually exists. Nobody has established the existance of ghosts yet.

    When rumors and old wives tales are more important than logic and reason, then you know you are talking about the field of paranormal research.

  6. Why would a ghost speak in reverse,  and I have never seen a ghost move backwards.  Have you been watch to much TV and thinking it's real?

  7. I  believe in spirits and ghosts but the only one who does things backwards is me. I am dyslexic.

  8. I have always wondered that about EVPs.  If ghosts are saying something *to* us, why would they say it backwards?  For that matter, *how* do they do it?  Is it something they practice during the day time when no one notices them?

  9. I'm a paranormal investigator and that is a new one on me.  We haven't noticed such a trend.

  10. Thats what movies suggest.

  11. That's a new one on me.

  12. from A ghosts POINT OF VIEW--you are doing THINGS BACKWARD

  13. i hvant really heard that, sorry...floating , lol....

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