
Dear friends pls help me by answering this question, it will be saving a life of a child?

by  |  earlier

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Dear friends, My friends sister who is 8 years old is suffering from bone cancer. She is under going treatment of chemotheraphy. That family needs Rs.5lacs for medical expenses as they are poor family they cannot afford it. Kindly help them by giving information where can they raise funds for medical expenses. Pls give address of donators, charities and ngo s of India, Chennai. They belongs to chennai, Tamilnadu. Expecting your answers, Pls answer to save a childs life.




  1. these people might be able to give you some tips;

    my only idea is that this sort of appeal is best if you can get it on the radio or t.v., maybe approach your biggest local station. it's a good news story so they might be interested, as it could increase their listener ratings as well as raising money.

    oh! or an internet campaign, but i don't know how you would set that up.

  2. i tell u a remedy the best remedy tell ur sister to do yoga

    pranayam n kapalabhati

    it'll get cured

  3. i don't know any contact numbers (because i don't live in that country) but my suggestion is that ask your local government office. surely, they have those numbers.

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