
Dear unknown, i recieved a mail from a company from spain informing me that i won a lottery?

by  |  earlier

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The mail said i won big some money and i suppose to pay arround 2000 Euros to get that cash amount .Tell me if its spam or it true .I spoke to the person over the telephone and he said that its all true .Please help me .




  1. If you didn't buy a ticket, it's a scam.

  2. I won the England lottery about five or six times now.  <g>  

    If you won the lottery, tell them to send a check.  No need to give them money, your banking or credit card information.  It's a scam.  They're all over the internet.  Be careful.

  3. Dear unknown,

    I have sent money to these people overseas and I am waiting on my money to be sent to my account in the United States. I cannot find the website. Can you help?

  4. Not true. They'll take your money and disappear!

  5. This is a very common scam--don't give them any money!  They send you a check, and you cash the check, and send them some money. Days later when the check is processed by your bank you find out the check is no good...but your money is already gone that you sent the company.  You should take the mail to your local police.

  6. It is not true.  Don't pay

  7. Yes quickly send them your money and while your at it I just found out you won the Boulder lottery if you send me 2000 USD I will make shure you get a 2000 USD education.  

    Go to this website and call the radio program  it’s a scam. Ask your self did you enter any lotto.  Come on, no lottery go’s out of its way to find a contestant that did not enter.

  8. Scam, Scam, Scam...

    But if you doubt it, you can send 2000 Euros to them to confirm.

    After all you did play a lotto there didn't you?

  9. It is clearly a scam.   You don't win lotteries you haven't entered and this is one of the most common scams out there.  If you receive something like this on your e-mail report it as spam.

  10. Scam.  Of course they're going to tell you its true, they're the ones who want your money.

  11. It is a scam

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