
Death by Caffeine?

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Hello everyone. I found this site that measures how much caffeine it would take to kill someone, depending on the soda/energy drink and weight. My question is, how long does it take for caffeine to leave your system. Does it just ware off over a while, because I like to drink a lot of soda, I've drunk 12 pack after 12 pack of soda. I love it. But when does all the caffeine ware off, or leave your system. Thank you for any responses.




  1. caffeine is not good for. depending on the amount you drink it may take 12 hours to leave your system. the amount of soda that you have drunk is also not good for your teeth and you will be wearing the enamle away!

  2. Caffeine will have an average half-life of about 4 hours in a human of average weight and healthy metabolism. That is a half life, which means that after 8 hours you would still have one quarter of the caffeine you drank in your body.

    In the case of somebody with a slow metabolism, a small person or child, or fetus, the half lives will be even longer.

  3. Caffeine normaly affects us for 4 - 6 hours. It may still be in our system for hours after that.

    Caffeine is a good stimulant. It is also needed to help transport sugars and other things around our system. But like everything too much is not good.

    Once we reach 300 mg per day then we start to have some health problems related to it. Yes our size and weight can alter that number a little but not too much. Most of the health effects take a while to build up but can cause problems with the heart, kidneys, brain, skin, and other organs.

    The immediate effects of too much caffeine are normally sleeping problems, headaches, and dehydration. It takes more water to process caffeine than a caffeinated drink provides. This means it actually dehydrates us. So if someone drank caffeinated drinks all day without taking in any other water then they would suffer severe dehydration. We can last only 3 days without water.

    At very high levels without offsetting water caffeine related death can occur in less than a week. If water is taken to offset some caffeine then high amounts of caffeine can cause years of unpleasant problems.
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