
Death is inevitable.....but is it also predetermined?

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or does it fall under free will. My aunt's friends (2 sisters) lost their sons in a drowning incident this week. One of them is not even found yet. They were done for the day but one of them decided to go wash his feet and started drowning. His cousin saw him drowning and jumped in also. (Thats the story i've heard so far).

So my qs is...was their deaths predetermined or was it their will ?




  1. Allah (swa) has already determined every aspect of our lives.   So, death is also predetermined.

  2. If Allah pre-determines all the deaths then what's with Muslims being so in favour of the death penalty? Or do they honestly think Allah wants them to inflict the death penalty on people and it's all part of his plan? Very strange.

  3. I'm not sure of  what the Qu'ranic answer is.

    Clearly it wasn't their free will to choose to die.

    The Bible explains how death came to the world.

    This does not mean that their individual deaths were predestined.

    The reason Christians use the words "free will" to demonstrate that people die is that through free will we all do sin.

    It is not an individuals personal sin that causes his death but sin that is in the world.

    Infants die and thay have not even reached an age to know what sin is.

    God is perfect and righteous and eternal.

    God's plan for his creation is also eternal.

    When sin entered the world then death was sure to follow.

    God is the creator of life and it is God who sustains life.

    When a man sins he seperates himself from the righteous God.

    This seperation is death.

    Through sin death entered the world.

    God had a plan of salvation for man before he created him.

    God is all knowing and forknew man would sin and what the results of sin would be.

    In Genesis God shares the story of the garden of Eden with us.

    God warned Adam in the day he ate of the tree of kowledge of good and evil he would surely die.

    There are two trees in the garden and these two treees reflect the two natures of God his righteousness the law and his mercy salvation.

    God reveals to Moses his plan of salvation for his creation.

    The tree of life, If they eat of it they would live forever.

    God's plan for us is not temporary but eternal through Jesus Christ our lord and savior.

  4. Salam for you my dear friend .Yes death is exactly inevitable.Allah spoke in the Qur'an that all creatures who have soul and spirit will die .The souls are from Allah and it will  go back to Allah whe we died.Allah predetermined each of us when Allah blew soul to the fetus in the womb. of a mother  But we do not know when,where and at what cause we will die.Only Allah knows it exactly.. We should make an effort to save our own souls. by making a precautionery actions .Anything can not be happened without Allah's consent. in line with Qur'an.

  5. There is a mixture of freedom and predestination in this universe as far as Islam is converned. This goes for death too - sometimes Allah has it ordered for your future and most other times it happens as normal. Some Muslims lack understanding and say that all deaths are "written" - yes Allah knows where and when you will die but it doesn't mean He forces you to die that way - no, Allah lets things happen as they will and only sometimes interferes.

  6. Both; free will is predestined.

    The thing is, WE don't know what's been predestined. We continue making choices every second of our lives, but the choices that we will make have already been predestined.

  7. it was written in their faith, allah knows best.

    Allah yerhamhin.

  8. Death certainly is predetermined and inevitable.

  9. Sorry to hear of that.

    As a believer in laws that govern existence without a single creator, I believe nothing is fixed for sure, but is therefore a combination of both, but not fixed. depending on what choices we make at every corner of our lives the outcome from that choice determines the Possiblities of the next outcomes.

    But then I assume you were looking for Islamic point.

  10. Yes, by Allah it is.

    No self can die except with God's permission, at a pre-determined time. (Qur'an 3: 145)

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: You have asked from God about durations of life already set, and the length of days already allotted and the sustenances the share of which has been fixed. God would not do anything earlier before its due time, or He would not delay anything beyond its due time. (Sahih Bukhari)

  11. Yes; it's both:

    Surah Fatir {35:11}

    ".......And no elder is granted length of life nor is his life cut short but is written in a Book; surely this is easy for God."

  12. i've heard that your time of death is already written for you, and also how it will happen. only allah swt knows for sure.

    basically it is inevitable and pre-determined!

  13. Your death is written when your born.

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