
Death note anime different from manga?

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i've gotten into death note and i've been reading the manga. i was going to start watching the anime soon too.

but my question is does the anime end differently from the manga?




  1. mmm not really... some details arent gone over as much probably. you'd just get bored watching it over. but the death note movie is pretty good and it doesnt follow the manga. and its 2 movies + 1 from Ls POV.

  2. The anime stayed much more faithful to the manga than most other shows, even the ones that aren't 100+ episode marathons. The only major difference is the tone taken with Light throughout, with the anime clearly showing him as despicable and evil from the beginning, while the manga assumes you'll figure that out yourself.

  3. yeah from what i heard Just the endings are different

    I asked a question like this yesterday ^-^

  4. the ending is the same,as in what happens.

    but how it happens on the anime is very very pathetic.

  5. The ending is the same...not exactly the 'same' (can't say anymore or it will spoil). Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Death Note!! =D

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