I am always thinking about dieing. I have tried to commit suicide before but always get put in the hospital. It's always on my mind. So far the only reason I haven't done it is because my mom always says she would be so upset and wouldn't have a reason to live if I killed myself. But I am always thinking of ways to commit suicide and always thinking of where I would do it and all that. What do you think I should do? I don't really have any reasons to live except to not upset my mom but I don't know how long that reason will be enough to live. I am WAY in debt, hate my surroundings, the people I live with are rude and disrespectful to me and put me down, I work and still never have any money, I am depressed everyday, I hate the way I look, I can't sleep, I can never go do anything cause of lack of money....I don't really have anything. I really hate waking up in the morning and living. I just wish I could go to sleep and not wake up. Also I am a cutter and it has gotten worse....that's the only way I can release my stress and anger. I used to only scrape, then cut, and not I cut deeper and have tried to break my hand and purposely bruise myself. For some reason I like having these marks. They make me feel better. What are you opinion?
Please don't tell me I am selfish for wanting to die....I just want to stop the pain, stress, anger, depression......
Also I can't really get help cause I don't have any health insurance or money. I went to the hospital without health insurance and they put me in a county mental health hospital and those places are insane....I felt worse.