
Death penalty when death of victim is not involved?

by  |  earlier

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I did not know that the only two federal crimes which carry the death penalty where death of a victim is not a prerequisite are Treason and Espionage.

My question is, If I run a small corporation, and a stalker comes along with the intent on destroying everything I own, including hacking into my computer and downloading all my corporate information including tax information. Can I ask the government to charge him with espionage? I was working on some patents, until he changed my web based email accounts where all my patent work resided.




  1. Wait, so you want this person to get the death penalty?  And sorry, espionage is  against the country, not a company

  2. Corporate espionage is not the same thing as international espionage.

    The government could arrest him for breaking and entering and vandalism, and you could sue for damages.  

  3. You can ask the government to do anything (it is your right, under the First Amendment, to ask), but they cannot comply with such a request.  The capital crime is "Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government" (18USC Chapter 37 Section 794).  The information that you describe is not defense information, so this law does not apply.  

    What you are describing is economic espionage.  However, the crime of "economic espionage" occurs only if the perpetrator commits it "intending or knowing that the offense will benefit any foreign government, foreign instrumentality, or foreign agent", and the maximum penalty is $500,000 and a 15 year prison term if committed by a human or $10,000,000 if committed by an organization  (18USC Chapter 90, Section 1831).

  4. If you were working with the Government on matters of national security, Yes.

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