
Death penatly carried out....a serious question?

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Why is it that a convict's bladder is always found to be empty (and/or tightly contracted) during autopsies after electrocution in the electric chair but their bladders are always partially full after other various methods of lethal injection,gas chamber,hanging,firing squad?

I thought the bladder emptied during death,but all inmates who were electrocuted in the electric chair had empty bladders,but those who were executed by other methods had partially full bladders.




  1. That type of electric shock causes all muscles to spasm.  The bladder is under muscular control.

  2.     Never knew that. Interesting. Quite simply though the body reacts differently with different sustained trauma I would imagine.

  3. I'd never heard that or even thought about that before. I'd imagine though that the electricity kind of, well, cooks the juices out of them so-to-speak...

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