
Death sentence to people who kill endangered species?

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or no?





  2. Peta does not only care about pets; they advocate for circus animals, animals used for clothing and food. Endangered species are protected by a number of groups; these other animals are not, and in fact have very few regulations in regards to them being handled humanely. Peta strives hard to change that.

  3. Prolly. I'd love to see a live Dodo bird.

  4. It is wrong to kill endangered species and if they did it purpose, it should never be forgiven. However if the person did it unknowingly, then the person should be forgiven.

  5. It is already a $20,000 fine for take.  Not to include property (to include water) confiscation if the environmental decision thinks it needed to improve the habitat.  

    If you can't execute someone for killing multiple people then how are you going to do it for killing animals, endangered or not.

    You have to kill all the lawyers first (their not endangered).

  6. You would have to kill all of us. The major cause of endangered species is population increase and all the development it brings.

  7. Great question.  And a very troubling on as well.

    In China killing a panda or tiger results in a very good chance of getting yourself killed.  There are a few other spots on the Asian side of the Pacific Rim that have the death penalty option for killing various endangered species.

    Last year it appears that two Siberian tiger poachers were killed sniper style.  My initial attitude was that they brought that on themselves.

    As vitally important as it is to save the globes endangered species, I think there needs to be a higher road taken here.  I think life in prison for killing any endangered species will have to do until we find better ways to protect them.

  8. No.  Personally, I don't approve of the death sentence.  How does that make us any better than the person we are putting to death?  Two wrongs don't make a right, and all of that junk...  But, I do think they should be locked away for a very long time.

  9. Don't be stupid.

  10. That would be a bit drastic.  They should have a severe punishment, however, if they did it on purpose.  Pay a huge fine and perhaps doing some time in jail.

  11. for those that belong to PETA and the other bleeding heart liberals that probably still would not be enough

    now for the group i like peta (people for the eating of tasty animals) kill'em and grill'em, the animals that is.... cuz if we aint supposed to eat them then why do they taste so good...

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