
Death - the 8th house indicates how death occurs & the 4th house indicates circumstances @ the end of life?

by Guest58835  |  earlier

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right? Any examples would be helpful.




  1. Hmm, whoa I didn't know that. Sorry to ask a question in a question but since you're wayway more experienced can you tell me how I will die since I have 4th in Capricorn and 8th in Taurus but I have no planets in those houses, what does that indicate, will I not die or not know how I die?

  2. idk :[ i have pisces in 8th house & scorpio in 4th house! what does that mean?

  3. Hello Janet!

    Not too sure. I do have more in the 8th house than any other house though. My Sun, Mercury,Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and N. Node are all in the 8th house. Too top it all off my Chiron is in the 4th. Wow. I guess I'm surrounded by life and death. However, I am not scared of it. I think of death not as a bad thing but as a place of being reborn. Maybe that has something to do with my placements as well. I sure would like to know. Thanks for the question! Star for you!

  4. this is interesting . . .!

    i'd like to know . . . i have mars in gemini in 8th in gemini- i heard this is verrry bad . . .

    and north node in aquarius in 4th in aquarius . . .

  5. After reading Vic's, it's difficult to top that.

    Thank you Vic. You've pointed out some matters I had either not realized or had forgotten. I love the way you outline and organize your answers in a path or flowchart form, because it makes it so clear to follow.  

  6. the 6th house is what leads to death... disease

    the 7th lord is often the one who actually brings death

    the 8th is death itself

    the 9th survives death

    the 12th is what happens AFTER death.

    determine longevity by the placement of the Ascendant lord and 8th Lord. This is a classical Vedic Astrology Yoga... If both Lords are in movement signs the base lifespan is long. If one is in movement and the other in change signs the base lifespan is medium. If both or in fixed signs, the base lifespan is short.

    Of course there are other possibilities,

    movement/fixed = medium

    and the others slip my mind!!!! hahah so sorry. (leaving to an international trip in a bit)

    The 3rd house is also important because it is 8 houses from the 8th house. Both of them indicate the nature of the death. For example I have one client with a fairly long lifespan indicated, but she has Rahu (north node) in the 8th... she will be healthy and then die suddenly. I myself have venus in the 8th - now I relax on airplanes knowing I will die peacefully and not in an accident. Mars in the 8th however would really make me nervous (death from accident or weapon or war)

    About the 4th...

    The 1st house is where it starts. It's the east. The 10th house is the north, it's the time of life when you work and establish yourself. Adulthood. Then there is the 7th, which is the west... this is the great time of life when you can really enjoy yourself because you've gained some wisdom and you have some money. Finally, there is the 4th house... this is the south... where the sun disappears. This is old age.

    Be careful about reading the 4th in this light though. Well yu have to be careful with everything... nuff said!

    Good luck!

    PS - i have to put in a disclaimer and make it clear that these are Vedic principles of astrology. It would be most fruitful to apply them to a flat-house sidereal chart. I'm not sure if you would get accurate results at all applying these ideas to a placidius house system and a tropical zodiac.

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