
Death?? what happens

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Im only 16 so i know i have many years ahead of me but i always want to know a bit like what death would be like, whether it would be painfull, and you hear about those people who have nearly died but then come round again just in time so i wonder what they felt. And also no one knows but what happens after death

Anyone want to express their opinion??




  1. I'm guessing its painless..? After death..I don't know....and honestly I don't care..I'm young so I don't like thinking about stuff like that. But its true, people are born people die its the circle of life...

  2. Death itself is painless, though the cause of your death may of course be painful, after that, nothing.

  3. you go to heaven or h**l. i have a lott to say about it, if you really are interested email me. anyone can feel free to. but yeah. you dont get to heaven by just being a good person. and you dont get to h**l by going to jail. you can be a good persona nd go to h**l, and you can go to jail and go to heaven, find out how by emailing me.

  4. Being a nurse, I've watched many people die, and would say that it depends on what you die of. Some go out screaming, some just fade away gracefully. Whatever the way, it's all over!!

  5. It doesnt hurt the person, but it hurts the people that it leaves behind. Death is like never being born except you used to exist. I personally dont think anything happens after you die, you are just gone forever. But I would like to think that you could either live another life as another animal or if you could be a ghost and meet up with all your family and friends that have died.... AND HAVE A PARTY!!

    So thats what i think about death.

  6. i beleive in the mother, and the body mind and spirit become one scrambled egg in the end :]

    and in this life we are only defining the body mind and spirit to what they will be.

    I have strong beleifs in paganism, and wicca, and there is a neutral place we go on in, as those scrambled eggs we have made ourselves into.

    Like a life after death, and if you do just fade out like an athiest beleives, its pretty despressing I know an athiest and he is terrified of dying :[

    But my beleifs mean i live and die happily.

    Im sorry about the eggs I'm thinking about what I want for dinner too...

  7. your body just shuts down..your decay..thats it...the circle of life!!

  8. Of course it's hard to say what happens after death as no one has been there and come back before! Generally speaking, with any death you'll lapse into a coma/state of unconsciousness shortly before death (even just seconds before) so you'll have no actual notion of it so to speak. Just remember, death is a part of life and natural. Don't fear it

  9. you go in to the next life

    like a mirror you go in the the opposite world than what your in now

  10. I am not sure but i think it will be like going into a deep sleep .

  11. I'm hoping that mine will be peaceful and that the Tax Man will be at my bedside

  12. DEATH.........I'm Also thinking About it......No One Knows What Happens After Death.......h**l & Paradies........When I think that After Death I Will Go to Paradies..I will Feel Relax....But.........When I think that After Death I Will Go to h**l...Then I Feel Like Crying.....DEATH is the Horrible Truth Which no body can ignore......Everyone will Taste DEATH.....I Want to Die a Straigth Death.......Without Any Pain.....Like An Accident........MAY GOD BLESS & FORGIVE US ALL................

    Take Care.....Good Bye

  13. I work in a hospital and i've watched many people die and some are very painful deaths and some are peaceful. And well after death its all about your own personal belief.  

  14. once I almost died and I experienced my whole life, everything I ever did, all over again in an was terrifying because I knew I was about to die

    I'd imagine that when you do die you'll go to wherever you think you think you should go, that is unless you're ready to go where ought to.

  15. Imagine the opposite of being alive if you can.
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