
Deathly afraid of the dentist!

by Guest64939  |  earlier

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ok so i am like deathly afraid of the dentist. i get really shaky when i have to in and i start crying. i know it sounds lame but it really does stress me out. tomorrow i have to go in and get two cavities drilled. they are really small so i dont need shots.

1) do they hurt really bad?

2)any tips to deal with my fear




  1. I've been in your shoes many a day, my friend, and I used to have this problem.  The procedure is painless and just a buzzing sensation.  Drink some chamomile tea with milk or take some essencial flower extracts like rescue remedy by Bach.  The best solution to immediate stress, is to focus on a point in the ceiling and allow your mind to wonder.  Do you have a favorite sport, play a game in your mind.  Or this is even better stare at the dentist crotch, and begin to speculate on all the interesting questions that one does.  Such as: I wonder if the man is cheating on his wife? (You get the idea)

  2. You may feel upset as it pains but at that time you should not  feel

    as your teeth have to be removed

    You should not be afraid

  3. i used to be like u.  

    i hated going to the dentist now i actually look forward to it. i found the perfect dentist who just relaxes me.

    1.) if u have that huge fear of it hurting rly bad. ask ur dentist to numb just to be safe. most will do it. its more money in their pockets. lol

    2.) tips to deal with the fear find the perfect dentist.

    close ur eyes and take deep breathes.

    stare at the ceiling

    have the dentist talk to you

    listen to music.

    have someoen go with u.

    i used freak out when my parents would say dentist. and now i could care less.

    i am completely stubborn when it comes to pain

    i had a wisdom tooth removed the almost three weeks ago and i wasnt in a lot of pain to begin with but as time went on it got worse and i finally admitted pain which isnt like me considering i had wisdom tooth removed in feb and only used two things of novacane but it hurt. stubborn.

    dont be stubborn like me.

    and dont make the dentist feel bad cuz he or she hurt u

  4. Most dentists will give you a mild sedative befor you come. Some will talk you thru it. There are some dentists that are very encouraging and funny. And no , just two small cavities will be over quickly and will not hurt. I promise. My son goes to a nice dentist and he prescribes xanax for him before he comes so he is relaxed. He should work with you on this , no need for you to suffer over this, theres a lot more bigger things in life to suffer over. Everyone hates to go to the dentist , you are not alone dear. hang tough now, tell him what you need and he should provide it, if not i would suggest you change dentists.

  5. Try this. think about how much pain you WILL be in if you don't get those two cavities fixed. They would continue to rot, and you would have to get them ripped out with a piers from your head and get needles for pain. The small amount of pain you might get from having them fixed is worth far more than the pain you would get if you did NOT get them fixed! And that might give you strength to go in there and just get it done and over with!! Good luck!!

  6. i kinda got da same problem wit the fear. i get scared of the smell when you walk into the place lol.  i hate dentists  

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