
Deaths during driver's license exam?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and have never had a driver's license. I have a permit and can drive well, in my opinion, but I am terrified that I will die while taking the highway portion of the license test. I have no experience passing cars on highways and just can't imagine doing that.

Are there actual statistics that indicate people dying in accidents while taking their license tests?




  1. i can't find any stats, but the thing is that you'll be safe

  2. I'm sure it's happened before but I haven't heard about them. I don't know where you live, but I don't remember having to pass anyone on the highway for my driving exam. Usually that requires going over the speed limit (big no-no during your exam) since people usually speed on the freeways, so you'll probably just be safe staying in the right lane. If you get asked to pass someone, just relax, be sure to signal, check your blind spots and go for the gusto. If you're very nervous about it, I would try to practice it before going to your test with one of your parents (or someone you trust not to add to your stress) in the car for guidance.

    So to answer your original question, I don't have any statistics... but I'll be cheering for you! Good luck on your test and don't worry, if you're a good driver you should be fine.  

  3. idk

    practice off the road first to get more comfortable.

  4. UCANTCME is right.  If this fear is stopping you, you need help.  It is irrational.

    That being said, most driving tests for a class D license aren't conducted on the highway.  You will likely not go more than a mile or so around city streets.  Just do it.

  5. I suggest you speak to a psychologist. Your recovery is going to take a while. When you are ready, with the psychologists approval, you need to take some serious driver training. Not parallel parking BS, I'm talking about defensive driving, emergency maneuvers and skid schools.

    Once you have faced that old fear and built some new driving confidence, you will have a better understanding what went wrong the last time and how to avoid that situation in the future.

  6. it happened in Surrey BC  A man had a heart  attack  at a stop sign. He never told   the examiner about a medical   condition.Dont worry  thousands  take tests  no problem

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