
Debate , how is global warming real?

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How is global warming real? what proof do we have?




  1. well. Why exactly is our planet Earth going to be destroyed in 2012?

    Why exactly is our planet Earth going to be destroyed in 2012? People say we are destroying our landfills by not recycling and the ozone layer is getting thinner, but there is so many details to work with, that there is pretty much no possible way in figuring out why our Planet Earth is going to be destroyed by then!

    And yes global warming is definetely in a very true way REAL. =(

  2. We are like a snow globe - and have caused a crack ... now all elements we emit are cracking it further... no repair,,, only gentleness

  3. the globe is warming because.

    on average the earth is getting warmer.[1] [2]

    are we causing this warming because we are increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses this leads to a enhanced greenhouse effect and warming.

  4. we have AL gore, that's enough proof

  5. I often doubt in it's existance during winter time. Like... NOW! It's cold outside!! Where's global warming when you need it?!

    Al Gore can't do anything right!

    You want your proof? It's getting warmer during summer. That's gotta be global warming! What else?

  6. Is it how outside?

  7. It's real because the planet is warming.  That's the definition of global warming.

    Proof of the warming is in this global temperature plot from NASA:

    NASA provides a nice explanation of how they calculate the average global temperature here:

    If you want to know whether humans are causing this warming, the answer is yet, but it would be a much longer explanation how we know that.

  8. Global Warming is real the world temperature is going up 1.8 degrees per 1 year.In about 2050 the sea level is going to rise upto 20-30 ft.That is because of global warming.

  9. There is no "debate." Global warming is proven fact.  If you want to see teh proof-there are hundreds of legitimate science sites out there--and thousands of articles in science jorunals. You might start with the IPCC website:

  10. MAN MADE Global warming is a MYTH!!!

    Yes it is true that CO2 is rising, but the fact of the matter is it follows the increase in heat. As the global temp increases the oceans release more CO2, mankind cannot compete with mother mature.As far as the temp rising, It can be correlated to sun spots, the more sunspots the warmer the earth, now this takes a while to happen it can be proven by the last " mini ice age" when sun pot activity was almost nill.  In closing I believe we are going through a normal cycle and there are certain people trying to get rich from it, Al Gorically speaking of course!!!

  11. pollutions bad air burns away the ozen layer causing suns rays to pass to the earth harshly and melt away glaciers and climate change also known as the green house effect the hot rays cant get out coausing a heat bulk

  12. The fact that our poles are melting faster and faster, the fact that when/if Greenland melts because of all this, the sea level will rise up to twenty feet. The fact that polar bears are dying because there is less and less ice durring the summer every year, causing them to drown out a sea. Have you ever heard of 'An Inconvinent Truth'? The charts that Al Gore pulls up scare me, the facts that he provides scare me. Go watch that movie and Google for real facts, you just may find that proof you are asking for.

  13. 100% proof has not been foun

    Therefore human made global warming is based on the warming over the last 100 years and its corralation with CO2 and modelling.

    This is why we it is important to continually examine the science.

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