
Debate everyone has the right to die with dignity.?

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Add your points for the argument. NOT against it.




  1. not a question



  2. yup, even Osama bin Laden in my opinion. everyone diserves respect and dignity.  

  3. It's your body, so you should be able to choose what to do with it.  And in terms of pain, suffering, etc -- only you can know how bad it is and whether you can handle it or not.  It's not for anyone else to decide.

  4. You can't die with dignity there's no such thing it's always ugly no matter how you die

    u can live with dignity but u can't die with it

  5. No, I don't think people who put harm on to others don't deserve dignity....Example rapist,murders,pedophiles  

  6. Pretty much the only person that can stop you from dying with dignity is yourself. As long as you hold your head high and show that you still passionately believe in what you fought for in life, there will be some people that respect that. I think that should also be considered an inalienable right. Denying someone the ability to leave life peacefully is more cruel than anything that they could have done in their life.

  7. i cannot add points for it. death comes in many ways. not all of them are dignified. but how would you define dignity? In bed with your family around you, either weeping, or waiting for you to die? Is that dignity?

  8. Your question is too broad to cover here in one answer. However I will take one element that I have experience in and that is those who are suffering from terminal illness. I believe that if a person is suffering from an incurable illness and this illness is inevitable going to lead to the destruction of the body and mind then that person should have the right to choose the means and the time of their demise. I worked in hospitals, and in EMS and came into contact with many individuals who were nothing but shells of their former self. Being transported from home to hospital with no possible survival chances. I for one have made sure that my partner has a power of attorney over continuing care and knows exactly what my wishes are regarding living in a persistent vegetative state.

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