
Debate help?

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I'm part of a debate team for Sociology class and I need some arguments about why Religion is NOT beneficial to society! I've thought up a few, but I think I need a lot more.




  1. Its too divisive when it principle aim is to unite.

    Its too open to interpretation and thus leading to abuse.

  2. Heart made a lot of good points. Even though I think the crack at catholicism was uncalled for, all religions do that to some extent.

    You could also mention that religion clouds peoples' reasoning, since you're not allowed to question or reflect on things that have already been decided for you.

    It also restrains your freedom. Your main purpose in life is not youself, it's a larger than life being you're supposed to serve.

    Good luck on your debate.

  3. Religion is an answer to lifes question!

    Unfortunately is a fixed one!

    Unlike us, because we change, and then we have to change the religions with us, such as from Gods of the Greks, Pagan gods, Mithra Religion of Fertility, Goddeses to the Christian and Islamic ones, and then to new pseudo non religious movements which ended with isms, like comunism, socialism or capitalism,  and so on!

    We will continue to change! and we will accept only the ones that work for us! Especially since there is no proof of the sky gods!

  4. Look at the stuff writen by Karl Marx most notably his quote "religion is the opiate of society."  A brief explination would be that according to Marx religion makes people believe that those that suffer in life will be rewarded in death.  Marx also has a lot more literature in the idea of religion.

  5. 1. people have different religions and therefore different opinions and moral backgrounds

    2. while theocracy provides for a strong government, it holds scientific advancements back because they are deemed "immoral"

    3. certian religions forbid help from doctors and people die because they cannot seek medical treatmeant

    4. religions, such as catholicism, cause gilt and disdain of ones sexual identity.

    5. refer to religions that mistreat others. ex. non believers are condemned to h**l, men can take up many wives at the same time, women are second class citizens and must be subserviant to the men. etc.

    -- thats all i could think of off the top of my head--- luck.


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