criminals are wicked and deserve punishment, is afeathered statemnt with avery fine line and it is w\as wrong as it can get. criminals arent wicked, i mean like no one is actually wicked, but it is their or our environment that shapes or forces them to do something like one is born great and no one is absolutly born ac riminial. when we say criminal, we usually think of aperson who has commited a murder or like stolen something, but the correct and to the point definition is a criminal is aperosn who has gone the wrong path, and he has done something that he not ought to do, planned or unmeditated. you see there is no differnce betwwen a meditated crime and unmeditated crime. one may think that an meditated crime is more brutal, but in reality, its has exaclty the same circumstances of an unmeditated or an impulsive one. of course, crime always occurs through qualities and neccisities like greed, revenge, need or poverty, and even foolishness. there is no real criminal in this world, its all a play of the situation and the emotion. of course,, there are people who would beg to differ, but i am preetty sure what i mean is may think that a cold or a serial killer is a real criminal, and that he really should be punishe,d but we must also consider the situations and incidents that brought his mindset that way. in his earlier days, he must have had a traumatic expirence, which lead to this becoming of a criminal. now take an example. we all know that nelson mandela is one of the best people to have lived. one might also call hiom the oppod\site of the criminal.let us take mandela and another typical teenager, who gets involved in the life of crime. at first, let us think of the serires of events that shaped nelson mandela into what he became, in his childhood days, he probably saw hios contrymen benig slaughtered or tortured by the white people. bur\t this typical teenager, had another series of events. in his life, he probably had everything a man could wnat. a family,education,enoughtowar and enough to eat, but he probalty had another deficiency like he didnt get much attention from his family ast home. he probably thought that his father was too busy with his job and mother with the serial that he took to drugs. after hitting the drug chai, he had to coommit other crimes due to the circumstances, and had to go to think the other way. if nelson was in this boys shoes, and thus boy was in nelsons shoes, would they have done it differenlty, if they had the exact same events in their livs, they would be each other. the criminal is something strange. of course, a criminal dosent mean a murder or a theif, it could also be your friend who stole a pen of yours, yes after all, even with stuff like that, a crim is a reality he should be counselled, made to understand and helped if he has any rpoblem. he, at the most usual cases would have three reaason for doing it, that is he has kleptomania, he is in need of apen or he hates you. and all three of them can be solved. isnt it just better to solve them then to punish him??? so we should all understand, that there is no real criminal anywhere. anyone can be made to understand what is right and to execute it.criminalism is basically like a diesease. if you have a disease once, then you body creates an antibody and you dont fall ill with the same disease again. same for criminalism. you were good once. you had reason and you did a crime. but you were made to undertan what you did was wrong, you repented it. therefore, you will never coommit a crime like that, ever again.
so, there is noreal criminal in this worlds. anyone can be made tunderstand what good is and how it wins everytime.
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