
Debate on whale hunting & farming?

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We are having a debate on whale hunting & farming.

I wanted to be in the group against whaling but unfortunately ended up against farming instead.

I need information on how factory farming is cruel and how whaling isnt as bad.




  1. Factory/intensive farming treats animals like plants. They're crammed into a space that is just large enough to allow them exist, but not large enough to have any quality of life. The problem is that consumers demand cheap food, but the only way to produce animals at cheap prices is to adopt these cruel practices.

    This way of farming is deliberately exploitative and callous and ignores the suffering of the animals. The animals live in awful conditions for an extended period of time and are then slaughtered.

    On the other hand, whaling, which is the killing of animals which are already seriously threatened by extinction, is quite humane by comparison. The whale is killed almost instantly, and will have lived a good live in the open sea before being slaughtered. OK, it's not great to kill whales, but it's much, much more humane than the treatment of the factory animals.

  2. debate on whale hunting and farming?  yep i remember back when i grew my first whale.  it followed me to school every day fer about a week until the school called and told my ma i had to leave my whale at home.  the school never said nuttin' about my yeti.

  3. if i were you, i would just wave a white surrender flag!

  4. Dont buy all the PETA hype your hearing from some people here. My parents so called mom n pop farm, used the same seeds and fertilizers that the big corporate farms use. All the seed genetics are available to everyone and any farmer must use the best available if he wants to stay in business. As far as run-off, it is caused by spreading manure on top of the ground, and having a rain before its worked into the soil, but now most farmers inject the manure into the ground and have holding tanks which cannot leak, so run-off is not as prevelent today, (which obviously is great). For livestock production, my dad started with 35 dairy cows and made a good living, then we had to expand to 55, and still ended up with less money! Today dairy farmers need 70-90 cows per full time employeee to make it go........ so unless you want to pay double for EVERY food product you buy, there are things that need to be done for higher production of plants and animals. But 99% of farmers care for the animals better than they care for themselves... and I'm not kidding on that point. I know there are bad farmers just like any other profession, but unless you have actually been on MANY farms , you really cant make any judgements about them.

  5. whaling bad (unless you are an Inuit during their hunting season).....responsible farming good.....remember I said responsible

    We dont need to hunt whales for any reason at all.  We need to farm to feed the world

  6. Rather you than me!

    I'd say the main argument against farming would be that whales are migratory and therefore it would be cruel to prevent them from doing so.

    Also, logistically, how would you farm whales? I mean, how would you prevent them from leaving 'your' waters?

  7. Who's teaching in our schools these days?  This is the third anti farming homework I've seen this week.  Has PETA and Greenpeace infiltrated our public school teachers to the point that they are filling our students' heads with this junk? I think maybe we need to be looking into our schools and see what is going on.  If my children come home with any of this anti farming propaganda, I'll be having a talk with that teacher.  To answer your question look into Peta and Greenpeace sites and you will find all the information that you need to nail all  farmers to the cross.  It's going to be a little harder to find why whaling is OK.  You may need to get into Russian web sites for that.  Do you have an Ag teacher in you school?  Have a talk with him or some farmers in your area and get at the truth instead all of the propaganda being put out these days.

    This is nothing against you, I'm just upset that teachers are handing out this type of work for you to do.

  8. Factory farming is almost too easy to find negatives about.

    1) it is harmful to such wildlife as quail by doing away w/ expanded fencerows where they feed and seek shelter,

    2) It is totally dependant on commercial fertilizer and pesticides which runoff into the water table and streams and lakes

    2a) this promotes the production of these chemicals which offers its own set of people hazards.

    2b) the runoff of excess nitrogen alone, creats tremendous false algea growth which robs living water of oxygen and harming the growth process of fish

    2c) many toxins accumulate in the water table we all drink from, making our own health at risk, just from drinking water and raising the medical cost of health care to the individual drinking from personal wells and raising the municipal cost of having to use expensive additional treatments to the water to try to keep it drinkable

    3) they do away with the average joe farmer who operates on a safe, small scale  (kinda the walmart/mom-pop store situation)

    4) large scale commercial farming is totally dependant on seed manipulated for (uniform size, uniform appearance, shipability, storeability) and minimize taste and nutrition, instead of what has come to be called heirloom varieties that are used on small farms who sell produce locally and emphasis taste and nutrition

    The list goes on and on. Let me put it this way, large scale agriculture cannot exist without the petroleum and chemical industries and are so hand in hand with them that any laws regulating product use seems to originate from the companies themselves.

    Example, seeds breed to be resistant to roundup, by monsanto, so that the whole field can be sprayed with roundup and only the weeds die. Sounds good, until u examine the nutritional value of those plants, it is like vegetative cardboard. Yet, monsanto is so powerful, they commonly get away w/ spraying roundup over crops that have nothing to do with them, poisening the entire crop, just to see if any of their seed have gotten into the hands of others they don't control. And they get away with it.

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