
Debate time! So what do you think?

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Topic: Does violence on television cause violence in society?

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  1. Sure it does. The most recent example is the 6 girls that jumped the 1 girl because they wanted to put it on utube. It was all over the news. Then I think it was today when a group of 12 year old girls did the same thing.

    Look at columbine. It all started there with all the talk of the killing at school. Now look at the stuff that happens at school. I don't know if you are talking about movies but the media sure does do a number on this kind of stuff.

  2. I havent had a T.V for over thirty years - I find it too fast and noisy - and gratuitously violent/sexual but most f all = too busy - childrens programs seem violent in their busy -ness too much going on - quite a difference from muffin the mule!

    I feel it is a mistake to assume that children need to be hyperactively entertained.

    Not watching T.v makes you more selective about watching and I think it can be used as a drug agains boredom and loneliness - I have no doubt that T,V has effects - influences our views about what 'normal ' is.

    I think it paves the way for anomie promoting dissaffected relations with other citizens who 'don't count.'

    I think it is the whole message that comes from telly viewing - nothing is sacred - nothing matters you can watch real live  people getting blown up on the screen or dying of famine and become immune save for sending a fiver to Bob Geldof. its a substitute for life and as such promotes preconditions for violence to others.

  3. Actually, violent acts portrayed on television surprisingly only rarely contribute to violence in society.

    On tv violent acts are typically punished, or portrayed in a negative light. (For example, criminals on CSI, or any cop show in general.)

    In tv shows/movies in which violence is not punished, it is because the purpose of that violence is seen as morally good, or at least just. (Take for example, Rambo or the show 24).

    Thus, while TV shows present violence, they show a medium in which the motive is either good or bad, and in doing so also present what kind of MOTIVES for violence will be punished and which will not.

    Because wrongful motives are typically punished on tv, it will set a societal norm for what type of motives are "just" as a causation of violence.

    Basicly, television generally sets the norms for how violence enacts itself, rather then allowing individuals to decide what types of motives require violent retribution. This is beneficial, because it is a societal control on violence norms which is less violent then individual control on violence norms. Generally groups (especially one as large as the TV media) have a less diverse view on violence, and so the norm causes less confusion on which sort of violence should be enacted.

    Essentially, television crosses the reality barrier... thus because the TV is filled with violent acts, at the bare minimum it would SEEM as if our society is more violent, when In fact our society has become consistantly less and less violent as a whole since the 50's.

    Obviously there are some counterpoints. First of all, television shows can be interpetive. While most people would see a mugger as a morally "bad" person, a few will see him as a "hero" doing whatever it takes to survive.

    Secondly, a very few number of individuals are unable to connect the motives of violence on tv and thus they will emulate what they see on tv. However the number of people lacking this ability to connect AND having the power to commit violent acts is very small.

    Ultimately, television sets the guidelines for violence, which is better then individuals doing the same.

  4. Yes, people think acting like the tough guys they see on T.V. is cool. Everything on T.V. influences at least 1 person in society, but more often than not, way more than just 1 person. Sorry i don't have evidence, just common sense... =D

    laura xo

  5. it may contribute to violence but it is not the main cause. not everyone who watches a violent movie will kill his wife and there was violence in our society before the introduction of the TV.

    So the main reason is not the TV but rather some other psychological or moral problems that may lead to it. the TV can give a violent person some ideas on how to commit violence but  I don't think that it will motivate a non-violent person to commit a crime.

  6. no i dont think it does. no matter what is on tv if you are brought up knowing right from wrong dumb from smart thenitdoesnt  matter what is on tv

  7. Violence from television is usually not the cause for violence in society.

    violence is instinctive in human beings. however, most humans are taught to avoid using violence in their childhood.

    television does manipulate how violence is carried out (such as cool guns and swords), but it does not CAUSE violence. let me give an example: on T.V, you see a guy in a cool uniform slice his enemies head off with a sword.

    Now, if you (the t.v watcher), are a passive person by nature- you were taught in childhood to prevent violence- you will not copy the t.v show and go slice off someone's head. Now say if you are an angry person with a bad record of violence. You will probably continue to hurt people not because of some t.v show, but because of the type of person you are and how you were raised.

    when it comes down to the basics, violence from a person usually depends on how that person was raised, moral values, and physical real-world environment (gang areas) .

    another reason for violence, such as a robbery, might be because that person is greedy or desperately needs money.

    so in conclusion, violence has been in the human history way before the invention of t.v., and violence will continue. a person usually commits violent acts MAINLY because of how he was raised.

  8. Everything has a cause and effect. I'm sure t.v. has caused violence before, but ultimately, families should express how they feel about violence with children, and make sure they know what's right. T.V. is just another form of fiction just like novels. If you blame T.V., rap & heavy metal music, books, and movies for violence, then you take all of the responsibility off of the parents.

  9. yes, i think a lot of TV is gross! i prefer a book or my  computer. i always monitored my son's cartoons. Even the cartoons are violent nowadays,

  10. violence on tv will hav impact only the people who will not think. by themselves...some people act by television influences mainly the illiterates.

  11. I'm sure someone, at some point, has done something stupid because of what they saw on TV.

    Tragic, I know.

    Think about it, though. Seriously. Are your day-to-day decisions....ANY of them....ever really influenced by TV?

    h**l, commercials don't even work, and they're downright DESIGNED to influence us!

    I've been watching Looney Tunes since I was 2 years old, and I'm not going around dropping anvils on peoples' heads, am I?

    Anyone with half a brain knows television is entertainment and nothing else.

    The people who commit violent acts and then blame tv are stupid! They were bound to do something retarded at some point, TV-related or not.

  12. Violence in the media gives a cue for the impressionistic mind to act violently.

    Violence takes away the shield of shyness and inhibition against violence and any blood curdling scenes will be considered as the normal behaviour. The viewers, if placed in a similar situation, will tend to behave in the same fashion.

  13. I would say that it influences but not causes.

    Because the problems do already exist in the society only that the do not have a back up/motivation.

    If violence acts are shown on TV and a lot is said and nothing done, then more people will be motivated to go for it.

    If the journalists give the culprit heavy publicity,it will end up sending a wrong signal- like he shares a  front page with celebrities and weak minded people are forced to follow soot.

    However, if the society already has a negative attitude towards violence,then there is a chance that most people will prefer to stay way from it.

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