
Debate with me on this!?

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parents are 100% responsible on their child's dicipline.yes,there can be other factors but the parents control these other teachers can contribute to the child's dicipline but who are the one's exposing the child to the teachings of the teacher?it all comes back to the parents.




  1. Children need to learn how to behave in all situations. Some will behave for their parents and no one else. Then it is the school/teacher's responsibility to work with the parents/child to fix the problem.

  2. Yes and no.  At home we expect (and hope) the parents are disciplining their children.

    At school, the district sets guidelines for behavior expectations and consequences for failure to follow those rules.  This is usually handled by teachers and administration.

    In your school, do the parents have ultimate control over which teacher their children gets?  Most likely not.  Yes, they can request a new one if they have problems with you, but that doesn't always happen either.

    Is the problem with the discipline in the classroom or what is being taught in the classroom?   Hopefully there's a difference between the two, otherwise the classroom is being used as a pulpit for manners.  Ick.  

    It seems you're trying to place the blame on the parents for exposing their kid to public education.  Not fair, many parents don't have any option.

    It does not all come back to the parents.  Parents have a reasonable expectation that their child is in a safe place where they can get an education.  If on the other hand you refuse to stop bullying in your class, or reprimand a student for throwing spit-wads, or allow constant disruptions during your lesson, how is that the parent's fault?

  3. Yes, it does come back to the parents in the end, but if the parents are good people who discipline their children properly and strictly, and their children are disobediant, then it is the child's fault for being unempathetic, unfair and overly a bad person. Usually if the parents strict and friendly though, the children shouldn't have an reason to be disobediant.

  4. You can read MANY questions here on answers and there are SO MANY teachers who say no matter what they do, the kids will not behave.

    And ALL of them say it is the parents fault.

    YES this is true.

    BUT, you will also read MANY questions and answers here that state the administrators do NOT back the teachers up, do NOT disclipline the kids whatsoever, tell the teachers to NOT disclipline the kids!!

    No wonder the kids are running wild ! Of COURSE they are going to be bad when no one punishes them at school!

    The school should back the parents up (the ones who DO care about disclipline) and punish the kids at school.

    TEachers want the parents to back THEM up and help wiht the childs education at home, RIGHT !?!?

    The reason the administration at schools don't want teachers to disclipline the kids is becuase if they DO the school will not GET MONEY from NCLB.

  5. Teachers are there to teach, period. Unfortunately, the parents do a lousy job of rearing their children properly, there fore the onus is on the teacher who becomes the babysitters and disciplinarians.  Many problems facing to days children are whose their daddy, drugs, genetics, alcohol, ignorance, poverty,  media exposure, poor choices of roll models, having no roll models and trying to grow up too fast. I won't even go into the gangsta rap and c**p like that.  Who are we kidding, life on earth has been like that forever and it is not about to change.  Teachers have a very difficult job and I applaud them, but there is an element inside schools today, an ever present growing problem of school hiring pr editors, pedophiles so what kind of message can we give our kids when even teachers and clerymen cannot be trusted? For some reason there are kids that make it out ok but there are more that don't. I can see that by the questions in the site from young people. They can't spell, the cannot articulate, they cannot put a decent sentence together to make any sense and all they care about is " does he/she like me?" "How do I dump this one or that one?" "Need a nickname" :What is love and how do I know" (written by an eleven yr old.)  and so on and so on and so on. I know adolesence is tough and there is a lot of peer pressure and most parents are unapproachable about certain subjects but this is an epidemic of numb brains and overindulgence of everything. Do you have the solution?

  6. Each person that that child is around (whoever is responsible for the child during that time) has a responsibility to dicipline, correct, and model good behavior.  

    A child can have a horrible home life but learn very good lessons from the structure and consistency in school. Likewise, though, the child also quickly learns that different people and enviiornments mean acting different and different expectations.

    Ideally, you have to have both parents and the school system support similar behavior expectations to get the child to truly learn this lesson and get it ingrained within the child.I cannot say the parent is the only person responsible for discipline because I believe I - as a teacher, role model, and mother of other children - can positively influence a child....whether he is mine or not.

  7. ..Not really, I mean, they  don't CHOOSE the teacher.

    Not everyone can get private schooling.

    Yes, they can teach them how to behave, but other factors are included such as if they have any medical problems such as ADD/ ADHD

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