
Debates? Palin vs Biden = Bunny vs Woodchipper?

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Debates? Palin vs Biden = Bunny vs Woodchipper?




  1. I wonder how long this misperception of Palin can continue.  She has bigger brass balls than anybody in politics I've heard of.

  2. i cant wait for a debate there is no competition  

  3. Yeah, I can just see it....

    "You, Miss Alaska, have no tangible experience....Just like my running mate..."

    "You have ties to many special interests....just like me."

    "You're Guy is in bed with Lobbyists....I should know, my son is one."

    "You will do nothing but continue George Bush's policies....and that bothers me because, as a senior Senator I was completely unable to make an impact even in my own party for the last 8 years.."

    "Your state is a slave to Oil Companies and beats down on poor Native Americans.....I should know, my state is owned by Credit Card Companies....but at least we got rid of our Native American population years ago....!"

    "You are not ready to be a 'heartbeat' away from the Presidency!.....even though I firmly belive my guy is ready to be just 270 Electoral Votes away...

    I suppose he could pull out "You're no Jack Kennedy"....I mean,  borrowing lines is not new to him....right?

  4. i hope this was humor lol, in debate she will be OWNED. no contest.  McCain has made a poor choice.

  5. Hey now.....don't be callin Biden a bunny..thats not nice.

  6. Palin would be more accurately described as a Kodiak Bear in these situations.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, she has a history of attacking establishment figures and sending them packing.  This includes the former Governor of Alaska, whom she defeated in a three-way primary fight, which she won with 51% of the vote.

    If McCain just wanted a reformer as a running mate, then Governor Palin was a perfect pick.

  7. ...

    an insider political hack verses a free thinking con. Thank you John McCain.

  8. Not quite.  This "bunny" is more than capable of defending herself.

  9. Ha Ha, Thanks for the grin

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