
Debating between a crested and leopered gecko.

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I'm new to reptiles and I want one that will be good for beginners.

So which one is best?

and also...i need a little info on both.

Crested: diet, any special needs, and general tank set up

and the same info on the leo.

i've read up on them both, but i would like some opinions from experienced owners.

any help would be great, thanks :)




  1. cresties are a million times better. ive dealt with both. i still have my crestie though... that tells ya something lol.

    cresties need no larger than a 20 high tank to keep up to 3 of them. a 10 or a larger kritter keeper is fine for one. tropical tank set up. good amounts of humidity. vines to hang from. their diet is the easiet part. baby food ( they love banana and peach) small pieces of cut up fruit, crested gecko diet(smells like banana when ya mix it up) and the occasional ricket for a treat.

    leopards are a little tougher. they need a 20 long tank. desert setup. that means high heat low humidity. they eat crickets and meal worms. and you might be able to get them to eat pinkie mice as they get close to full size. you need a heat lamp all year round for leopards. same with uvb light.

    if you ask me cresties are way better looking and more soical. a lot easir to take care of. and its different how they are fruit eaters. you dont need a heat source for them ever. it has not been proven that uvb lighting is beneficial for them. and tropical set ups just look a million times better. hope i helped you.  

  2. Beginner: Leopard Gecko

    Expert: Crested Gecko

  3. Both are great pets!

    Crested gecko:

    Diet:  Crickets, roaches, wax worms (use occasionaly like a treat as they are high in fat), silk worms, phoenix worms, meal worms (I don't reccomend these), baby food, and crested gecko diet (a powder that when you mix with water is a complete diet eliminating the need for insects but you should always use some insects, the crested geckos natural instinct is to hunt, why take it away?)

    Special needs:  Crested geckos do not need any lighting and will do good at room temp (no lower than 70 degrees farenheit no higher than 80 gdegrees farenheit)  but they need to be misted once a day with a reptile mister.

    Tank setup:  Dont use sand as a substrate, as it can cause impaction which can be fatal.  use papertowel for juveniles.  use moss, dirt, papertowels for adults, make sure the substrate you use can be indigested.  provide a lot of leaves and fines, a hiding place or two, and that should be good.  And a bowl of water shallow enough so the gecko doesnt drown.

    Leopard geckos

    Diet:   Crickets, roaches, silk worms, meal worms (not reccomended) pinky mice (not reccomended)

    Special needs:  Heat lammps, cage temp should be about 85 degrees farenheit

    Tank set up:  paper towels as a substrate for juveniles and dirt or paper towels for adults (make sure the substrate can be indigested.  Provide a hiding spot or two and a water bowl and i think a calcioum bowl, make sure both bowls are shallow enough so the gecko doesnt drown.

  4. leo's are easier to handle but if u think u can hold a crestie (they tend to random jump out of your hands sometimes but are fun) then there both pretty easy and are great fun to own

    caresheets for both

    i would say cresties need more room than most people think. a 2 foot high tank is a must (45x45x60cm is for 1 imho) and there tanks tend to be harder to clean because of all the climbing branches plants (real or fake) and vines etc. but i prefer cresties they seem more independant that leos. leos are like a faithful dog that will come running when they see u cresties are more shy secretive and tend to peep out at you from behind branches to see if u have any food this for me makes them look cute and more interesting

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