
Debian or Ubuntu. Which is better and why?

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  1. Debian, its way better. You can use their stable version and their stable version really is stable, unlike ubuntu.

    You have their testing version which has newer software and their testing version is more up to date and it doesn't have any show stopping bugs either so its alright for regular use and I know people who use it, in fact right now their testing version is more up to date than ubuntu 8.04.

    The unstable version is for developers.

    Debian isn't harder or anything than ubuntu, in fact its the same thing and ubuntu doesn't have any GUI tools that debian doesn't have.

    Debian support is good as well and package management is again aptitude.

    Debian is the real thing, ubuntu is a buggy imitation, thats what happens when u take Debian and hack it like h**l.

    "Ubuntu" an ancient African word meaning I am too retarded to use the real Debian ;)

  2. I've never actually used Debian but it's not exactly one of the more popular distros. Ubuntu is debian based, so it's package management will be similar. If that doesn't mean much to you, don't worry about it.

    I would personally recommend Ubuntu. It's really come a long way in being user friendly and has EXTREMELY good online support. If you have problems there are forums all over the place that can help you. Ubuntu uses the gnome desktop environment, which you may not like. Not sure what Debian uses. If you want to try KDE, you could always try Kubuntu (although I personally prefer Ubuntu, it's what I run on my machines.)

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