
Debit card vs. credit card?

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ok so im going to start working when i turn 17

and im probably going to get a seprate account from my parents

so i was wondering do you think i should get a debit card at my to pay for cell phone bills and such

i want to start paying for certain things on my own since my parents make decent money...but not enough for all the things i want to buy hehe

plus i want to get a labtop and i don't know how brining 1,000 something in cash would be like, i might get some funny looks.....

so should i get a debit card or would a credit card be better??? after working like a year or something




  1. Well, a debit card is money that you already have and its put in the bank and you cant spend more than you have. Depends what kind of credit card you are talking about. A regualar credit card you can spend as much as the limit is on the card, and if you pay the monthly minimums you wont have to pay the intrest. But if you dont pay the minimum money back in the time they give you, you will have to pay intrest and some credit cards have a 17% and more interest fee. A pre-paid credit card you have already put the money on the card and you can spend it as you please :)

  2. First, if you want a good job you need to learn how to spell or at least use Check Spelling.  

    You won't qualify for a credit card until you are 18.  When you do get one, use it sparingly and pay it off in full each month.  Meanwhile, you can use a debit card but remember you can always get a bank check for large purchases.

    Good luck!

  3. A Debit/Check card is the equivalent of paying cash or writing a check and can be used anywhere that accepts credit cards.  Do yourself a favor while you are young and never get any credit card.  In the words of our generation, by using a credit card you WILL eventually "s***w yourself over."  I regret ever getting a credit card, and I am highly responsible with my money. But those "emergencies" add up, and by a little extra effort I could have come up with cash.

    I am 22 now and will soon pay off and destroy my first and last credit card.  Read up on a guy named Dave Ramsey he is a financial genius I wish I would have started listening to him sooner.

  4. debit cause you know that you don't owe ppl which sucks but if you go over draft they charge the **** out of you I KNOW but a debit card is better i have been working like a year and a half i know how much i have in the bank and how much am going to use credit card you have to pay back its like buying something from the store and you still have to pay the bill well it sounds better in my mind

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