
Debt help? what to do?? bills, rent etc?

by  |  earlier

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I have somehow got my self into about £15000 worth of debt with creditors, on top of that i have now fallen behind with my bills and owe two months on my rent... Where do i stand and what can i do?

I am so frightened that i am going to end up in so much trouble over this as i can not afford the repayments on any of these debts and i have a young daughter and am worried what will happen to her?

Anyone with any advice on where to go, best plan of action, or any legal information on anything mentioned above would be highly appreciated.

Many thanks




  1. Get in touch immediately with the CCCS (Consumer Credit Counselling Service), a charity so you pay them nothing.

    Don't get involved with any of the ones that advertise on TV or newspapers as they take a cut of whatever money you might have available to pay your debts, leaving you with less to come to an arrangement with your creditors.

    The CCCS ensure that your prime debts are repaid (they are regarded as essential - home, heating, food) and all the others are offered a proportion of whatever is left of your budget.  CCCS will manage the repayments for you, and negotiate on your behalf.  Most creditors accept the offers made through the CCCS.

    Do it now.  Don't put it off, whatever you do.  And good luck!

  2. Sorry to hear that you're in such a mess.

    Firstly go and see one of the FREE debt support agencies.  Citizens Advice Bureau will be able to help.  Please dont be tempted to pay for help - you'll just make things worsw by charging you!

    As I understand it  - the agencies will pretty much help in your dealings with your creditors.  

    Firstly you need to prioritise keeping a roof over your heads, pay the essential bills (elec, gas water, food) and then see what is left to pay the people you owe money to.  As I understand it from TV you'll probably getting loads of calls a day from these people chasing you - but you dont get into trouble by not paying your debts - you wont go to prison.  

    Basically what you'll need to do (and please make sure you go for advice) is once you know what you're left with at the end of the month is to tell your creditors your situation and start paying them off one at at time (or all - but a bit at a time).  

    Make sure your pay your bills first and get (free) help.  The creditors want their money back - but they'll want to know that your actively trying to pay at least...

    I was £25K in debt and am now expecting to pay everything off by the end of the year - so there is light at the end of the tunnel!  Good luck.

  3. check out this site: He is also on fox buisness network.  The first and most important thing is to make sure you have a roof over your head and food on the table.  Everyone else can wait.  If you want to get out of debt quick it will take massive sacrifice.  You may have to pick up a second job to get caught up if your behind.  If you have an expensive car, sell it and pay off the balence.  Have a garage sale to make extra money.  Get to where you can get about 500 - 750 pounds in the bank for emergencys.  That way, if you have an emergency your not going to the card.  then, make a list of all your debts and list them from lowest balance to highest.  Focus on the lowest and pay it off as soon as you can. then take that payment and add it to the next highest balance. so on and so fourth.  Keep your head up and stay focused, you'll make it.

  4. go to citizens advice they will go through everything you need to do to get you back on your feet...

  5. phone CCCS or payplan (you can google them), they are free not for profit organisations who can help you. Work out how much you need to live on and any left over can go towards creditors. They can't have what you have not got. Don't worry, and try to call one of the debt charities.

  6. I agree with everything else that has been mentioned.

    But also try to get some extra cash by reclaiming bank charges (letter templates are all over the internet), sell stuff on ebay and see if there are any benefits you can claim on top of your income.

    I am currently in the same situation as you, but managed to claim back an extra £1000 (!!) pounds from 6 yrs worth of bank charges on my account. I sell everything i dont want/need anymore on ebay and get roughly £40 a month, and just phoned up working tax credit line and found out i was eligible for that without knowing.

    It takes some time, but look around and go to CAB, all the answers should be there.

    Also, found this website last night where there are letter templates to write to your creditors:

    Hope that helps.

    Good Luck!

  7. I had exactly the same problem 3 months ago, this is what you do... call the Customer Credit Counciling Service (CCCS) they organise all the debts, no matter how big or small, they tell you what these creditors can actually do... which is not much if your paying them a minimum of £1 per month. The put things like food, money for your daughter etc before any bills!! They are completly free as they are a charity. If you speck to them today they will give you a reference number to quote to all ur creditors... the creditors cannot send you letters asking for money or call you after this. You can find the CCCS's number on the internet, you should give it a try, It took a massive weight off of my shoulders. Best of luck x

  8. The best thing to do (or try to do) is sit down see how much you make a week and budget exactly what you have to spend a week (for bills, how much to put aside for rent, groceries, etc)

    I know exactly how you feel, I have two credit cards, a department store card (so guess three), my electric bill, my rent, cable bill which includes phone and internet, and a student loan. It definately gets difficult.

    Some weeks, I can barely afford groceries, its a tough world out there. I have a bad habit of spending money on stuff I like, versus stuff I NEED so please don't get into that habit.

    However, I'm sure you work very hard and deserve a little treat at the end of the week.

    Right now, your daughter has nothing to do with the debt, but remeber to average in costs for her too.

    I would definately write down on a calender when each of your bills are due and when you get paid, that helps me always pay my bills on time. Also call your credit card companies and see if they can reduce the finance percentage rate on the fees and interest charges, it helped me a little bit.

    Good luck!

  9. Contacting a credit counselor or credit counseling service should be your first choice. But you can even try contacting your lenders and attempt to reach some resolution. You may succeed for a short time, but you will never be free from their clutches. All you can get is the lower payment at higher interest and no freedom from the debt. This means you will never be free from the debt.

    Taking a loan to repay your existing debt can be done as you can make lower payments at lower interest rate. Based on the amount, you may have to borrow against equity like home. A credit counselor can offer you various plans and choices to assist you in making a right choice that will take you out of your financial mess.

  10. Ok same thing happened to a friend of mine... I know its so easy to get into debt.

    Go and see your solicitor and see if a plan can be arranged.

    My friend did this, the solicitor got it reduced to £700 and she makes a payment of £10 every fortnight, cant remember how many payments that is! But its easier than paying it all back at once.

  11. You need to discuss it with some one, try citizens advice they can point you in the right direction. if there is no whey you can pay it back it has been known for  the debt to be written off and you are declared bankrupt.

    good luck.

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