
Dec.21, 2012--the prediction of the mayas says that's when something catastrophic will happen?

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I got curious. Why every1 says it's over in 2012. So I found a few things of interest. The one thing that really intrigues me though is this 5000 year count of the Maya--because these 5000 year cycles showed up in so many reports---with no adequate explanation. The ocean tidal forcing is somwhere around 1800 years, the sun's cycle around 11 years, our polar shift cycle around 400.000 years(we are overdue)--so what are these 5000 years everyone talks about in these reports. Maybe I overlooked it, but I'd like to understand what this 5000 year cylce refers to.

The way I understand all this is that we are headed toward a pole shift right at the same time when the tidal force cycle starts and when the new solar climax cycle starts---so that really sounds like disaster, but NASA thinks that it'll happen 2010/2011. So what's the 5000 year cycle referring to????Thanks




  1. It's all a big misunderstading of the mesoamerican calendar.  The mesoamericans counted everything in cycles and when one cycle ended another began.  The year 2012 is just the end of one of their major cycles.  The only thing that will happen is another cycle will begin.

  2. The Mayans' calendar has been right for over 5,000 years. It predicted the fall of the Roman Empire, the two World Wars. For some reason, the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. The Mayans are not the only ones that believe the world will end in December 21, 2012. The wizard of King Arthur, Merlin, (the real one), was a guy that could predict the future. He saw the world's end by oceans rising and every country in the world going to war for food because the oceans will cause food shortage.People will die of starvation. Many people that believe the world will end in December 21, 2012. There are signs that will appear in the world if the world is going to come to an end. The Bible, in the last book, it shows that four men will come in a horse. The first man will give the world power. The second will give food. The third one, will give the world drought. The last horse man, coming with Hades, humanity will die. Some people believe that the world was going to end before. When the first solar eclipse happened, they believe that the moon was going to fall. They were wrong, and hopefully, the calendar and Merlin are wrong.  

  3. the mayans didn't predict one blasted thing. yes, a major cycle of their calendar ends in 2012. the rest is a cruel and cynical hoax, and you should know better.

    none of your urls have anything to do with any of this.

  4. The Mayan Long Count calendar consists of a period of 20 days, then another of 18 of these periods making 360 days, then 20 of these, making 7,200 days and another of 20 making 144,000 days. This period is known as a B'ak'tun. 13 B'ak'tuns equals the Long Count of 1,872,000 days. Divide this by 365.25 and we get 5,125 years. This is the 5,000 year period you are referring to, nothing more than various numbers multiplied together. There is no correlation between this period and any physical events.

  5. The Maya didn't know anything that we don't. They sacrificed their own children by ripping their hearts out of their chests with their bare hands. These are not terribly enlightened people.

    They did not predict the end of the world. Not in 2012, or ever.

    There is no 5000 year cycle. There is no 1800 year tidal cycle.  There is no "polar shift" coming. NASA does not think that anything disastrous will happen in 2012. They have actual, real, science to do.

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