
Decay of languages in South Africa?

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South Africans living in South Africa, have you witnessed a deterioration of languages in South Africa since the "coming together of the nation" ?

Are English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu and the other languages being "mutilated" by the eagerness of the individual to practise the other´s language?

Are there examples of English and Afrikaans becoming "africanised", and Xhosa and Zulu becoming "anglicised" or adopting a lot of Afrikaans words for expression?




  1. Maybe the good thing that could come out of it would be a new South African language. That way we could be spared the unending complaints that Afrikaans is being discarded by the government or that the government is paying lip service to equality of languages while only English and Afrikaans dominate in every province and government buildings and documents.

  2. I wouldnt call it decaying, its just changing.

  3. I asked a question about it a while back, it seems especially the black languages are becoming very anglicised, even Inno and Ayiza complained about it. As for Afrikaans, parents are stricter than ever making sure the Afrikaans language stay pure, the same with English, the only black words we use for fun is Eish, Serias, Haibo and that is about it. But I have listened to the Xhosa being spoken every 2nd word is an English word, you can follow the language so easily I mean even the xhosa my daughter is learning eg. rubber = irubha, ruler = irula, crayon = iicrayoni and so it carries on. They also use words like "sometimes, forsure", ag lots of words.

  4. Well I don't know about South Africa but have you noticed how the English language is being bastardised by the Americans.

  5. Eish udade ek weet not what you is praating about...

    Ngiyabonga vir die interesting question though...

    Hamba kahle

  6. Ja, we will all be speaking IsiCamtho and/or Gam Taal in 100 years time. It is inevitable.


    Edit to Ian S. The American language is taking over the world and dumbing down the English language beyond repair. I agree with you 100%.

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