
December 21 2012 thang? I dont get it?

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okay, so i am pretty sure yall have heard of the whole 2012 thang already, right? but i dont get it? how will it end? will it explode or something? cuhz i really dont understand,

studies say this has happened before, but like uhhhhhh?

& then they said the world would have ended in the year 2000, but dood it never did, soo do any of yall* think it will end in 2012????




  1. ammmm,i didn't hear bout 2012...but the world was meant to end on 06-06-06 also...wasn't it??

  2. Heres what they say could happen.

    The Sun is gonna switch its magnetic poles, this happens in a cycle every 12 or so years. Generally the switching of the sun's poles causes coronal mass ejections (giant explosions on the sun that send solar winds toward us). Coronal Mass Ejections (I think they're also called solar flare) are so powerful that it cause power outages on Earth.

    However 2012 is supposed to produce the worst cornal mass ejections yet, which could cause volcanoes, earthquakes, tsnamis and all the other really bad natural disasters.

    But don't sweat it, well actually do, even though nothing is probably gonna happen, it should be a scary year.

    The next apocalipse is gonna be the 2032 asteroid that could hit Earth on Friday the 13th.

  3. nothing will happen bcuz its all bs.

    it's a cruel and cynical hoax. you should know better.

  4. 1. The End of the world happened before. Junk Science predictions often failed or had been a very subjective end of the world, with people committing suicide for it.

    2. Studies say that the long count calender of the Maya incremented at least 11 times before without the world ending.

    3. It will not explode, but some people will look very stupid and become so |-| small with hat.

    4. I wish I had an Euro for every time somebody asks about the end of the world in 2012.

  5. <yawn>  Don't worry Dewd.  The Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Clause will still be around after 2012 has come and gone.


  6. According to the 2012ers it will be the end of the world because

    1. Nostradamus said so

    2. The Mayan calender ends

    3. an Ouija Board said so

    4. there will be a pole shift

    5. there will be a planetary alignment

    6. there will be a galactic alignment

    7. an asteroid will hit earth

    8. Planet X/ Nibiru will appear

    9. some crystal skull nonsense

    10. we are heading into a photon belt (whatever that’s supposed to be

    11. Indian Astronomer said so

    12. The Sun will blow up

    and probably some other equally silly reasons.

    I would take those doomsayers more serious if they

    - had a better track record (just how many times has the world ended already?)

    - could make up ONE story about it

    Right now there are over 1600 threads about this...

  7. The only people who "get it" are those making a pile of dollars from spurious books and TV shows.  NOTHING untoward is going to happen, so you can sleep sound.

  8. lol at "ya'll" and "thang" . 2012 world gonna end is all c**p

  9. You don't need to get anything- except the Olympics.

  10. nothing is gonna happen

    wait till all the christians are raptured by God and then wait seven years

    then it will end

  11. Don't worry about "getting it".  It is all a sham, hyped by loonies who really don't get it themselves, but have managed to get people's attention with their ignorance.

    Much of the hype is based on a misunderstanding of the old Mayan calendar system.  Just like our calendar has days, months, years, decades, centuries, etc., the Mayan calendar had its version of repeating cycles, too.  One of those, called the "Long Cycle", when matched up against the Gregorian calendar we currently use, "ends" on 21 December 2012.  On 22 Dec 2012, a new long cycle begins.

    But because the Mayans are no longer around to update their calendar, it just ends.  And some folks have decided that it means the Mayans knew something special, and that the universe is going to be destroyed.  Voila!  A new doomsday prediction with which to gain fame and fortune by scaring the uninformed and ignorant.

    So, chill, dude!  We'll all meet back here again on the 22d of December, 2012, and toast our "survival", and get a laugh at the next wave of ludicrous doomsday predictions.

  12. No no no.  I've never heard anyone ever mention the 2012 thing on Yahoo! Answers.  Not once.

    From the FAQ:

    There are several predictions for 2012.  12/12/12 is numerology on the Gregorian calendar.  2012 is the end of the current Mayan calendar cycle.  The world didn't end after 1999, it flipped over to 2000.  And it didn't end at the end of 2000, we started the 3rd millennium.

    If Nibiru, or planet x, is as described, then i should be able to see it with my back yard telescope.  There are over a million amateur astronomers, and several sensitive sky surveys.  Nibiru would have shown up.  It hasn't.

    The grand alignment in 2012 isn't a particularly rare planetary alignment.  I've survived better.

    In 2013, the year 2012 will be known as the year the world didn't end.  It will not be an unusual year in that regard.  Predictions of the end of the world have come and gone with absurd regularity.

    Here's a prediction of the end of the world that will happen: "The world will eventually end." You heard it first here.  I'd like to witness it from a safe distance, since i expect it will take billions of years.

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