
December 21 ends?

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the Mayans were an incredibly advanced, ancient Mexican civilization with extraordinary skills in astronomy and math. Their 26,000 year-old calendar officially ends on December 21, 2012 at 11:11. this date is meant to mark the re-birth of our world as one..

what do you think?




  1. That isn't going to happen. On that day I'll turn 16, so it would be very .... if the world ends. But the Maya's didn't predect the end of the world, but the start of something new. Scientist don't know what will happen on that day, but I know sure that the world won't end. How could people who lived 1000s of years ago, know when the world is going to end. Oh... and I am dutch, so sorry for my bad English.

  2. The end of the world is sometimes referred to as 'the system of things' or the world order, doctrines, and global organisations. I believe that it also could refer to the last of our major British computer designs and systems expiring by then as many old computers already have, to leave only a small number of possibilities for the future. The expirations are leaving the UK and other nations in the world short of computing possibilities where the property rights expiry have effect, and a lot of the software and databases are not compatible with other hardware replacements and they are not suitable for conversion. There is a lack of hardware at the upper medium and high sectors of data processing and large organisations are having to use multiples of small machines to continue to provide services. They are often not robust enough to handle the continuous processing workload. This could have been avoided if an official and coherent forward plan could have been permitted rather than leaving it all to private projects with private finance - the major manufacturers would not listen to the fact that expiries would occur, that replacements were necessary as the von Neumann architecture was being withdrawn in 2008/9 also, coinciding with the transition to a different kind of world.

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