
December 21st 2012?

by Guest65800  |  earlier

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why do people think the world will end on that date? i dont understand it at all its retarded. the mayan calender had to stop somewhere right? they just wanted predictions. i mean seriously people. how do you SEE the future? you cant! you can predict things.... how do we know since it predicted 9-11 afganistain followed what the calender said and it accually happend. the planets line up... well it happend 1200 years or 12000 but there were humans then and they didnt die did they? and if it was to end then it would drasticaly be starting now and its not that big enough to end in 4 years. Maybe its a start of a new era and we should build another one......? what do you think about the whole thing.






    On a more serious side of the manner, it's just some bogus created by people who want attention or to create more fear to control people with. Just like many other things, Global Warming. That's just something made by Al Gore to control people with. But lol, he must earn his money in some way. It's some bogus, just like the bible.

  2. ppl are retarded. That use to keep me awake at night I went about a month without sleep. I thought I could do something about it. But i thought. "why would we care about the envrimount? And besides. The calander on my itouch only goes to 2090. Does it mean the weld will end in 209O. No.

    Don't let what happened to me. Happen to you. Its not going to happen. If anything. Wait for 1-20-08. The end of bushes world }=)

  3. well i dont believe the world is coming to a end.21 december 2012 is when our earth's vibration becomes is when we go from 3d to 5dimension.everyday we receive more and more energy.after the 2012 everything will start to change but for the beter of the world...

  4. your catching on--- it's not the (end) it refers to a new beginning and it relates to the shift of the two poles--and under the current living spaces on this planet that places ninety percent of the human race in the(zone)-and with only ten percent left over that makes for a global population of seven hundred million people left on the planet hardly the end of man--making it possible for new and even greedy people to start s******g it up all over again

  5. Actually neither the calender nor the Mayans ever predicted 9/11 or any other event and certainly they aren't predicting the end of the world on that date.  People think it's weird that the calender ends on Dec. 21 instead of Dec. 31 but that's when their years ended.  It's most likely that they stopped work on the calender when the Spanish invaded and they just happened to stop on that date.

  6. its stupid

  7. Hey!

    Lol, that's Ali Lohan's pre-birthday! lol.... i guess she's gonna die 1 day before she turns 18. mine is 5 days after the 21st though... dangit... i guess i'll never make it to 18 :*-(

  8. It's "Balle" (In my native Italy, that means "Bull c**p") invented by mountebanks! The Mayan calendar has many cycles, but no one knows for sure when they begin or end. 21 December 2012 is only a wild guess about the end of one long cycle. Mayans didn't say it was the end of the world. Someone added much "Balle" to this ignorance about the Mayan calendar. Planets or the plane of the galaxy aligning means nothing, and neither does polar shifts. Some people even try to tie in the Chinese calendar and I Ching with it, and that's absurd. My room mate is from Japan and has Chinese and Jewish calendars hanging on the wall. I can see that this is as ignorant as the stuff about the Mayan calendar.
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