
Decent get out of work sick excuse...;)?

by  |  earlier

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You lot have any?

I got: bad stomach, food posioning...and thats it.

I need excuses that only allow you to be off for a having the "cold" is not a good one.




  1. 24 hr stomach virus...that is totally legite and most employers don't want anyone near the office when someone could be puking or passing that around!

  2. A bloke said today his step dad was involved in hit and run is this fact or fiction.  

  3. Period if your a women, or diarrhea

  4. go to work and earn your wages like the rest of us have to you work shy idiot

  5. you were up at the accident and emergency all night with a realitive  gramndma/mum/dad/sister whoever who had severe pains in the back  and would be unable to sAFELY work as you are so exhausted with the stress of it all, if you drive say you are the only one who could take her/him/them  up to the hospital

  6. The brown bottle flu, aka hangover, that usually only lasts me a day.  Another notable and more acceptable one day ailment is a rash or other horrible reaction to a food or plant allergy.  Do you have kids?  They always have something contagious and very believable.  You could always claimed you baby sat and caught, the "some bug from the kids".  If any of your bosses have kids they'll understand, and probably like you more for being a stand up person and babysitting sick kids.

  7. This is your Boss speaking - if you give me any of the suggested excuses' for another day of skiving and expecting me to pay you for it and your colleagues to do your work, you will be job hunting the week after.

  8. I've got a bone in my leg.

    I'm suffering from idleitis.

    A wasp stung me in my left t******e.

    I'm just plain dishonest.

  9. i use the food poisening alot,car problems,family emrgency....

  10. you've got a doctors appointment you have to attend. They're actually required by law to let you off for that.  

  11. sinus infection

  12. Tell them you died in your sleep.

  13. All I can say to you on an honest basis is that some of these online opportunities are proven to be scams that is very true therefore it is about researching to see what is genuine and what is not however some people think that online businesses are get rich quick schemes which they are not they take alot of work just like any business however the rewards for that work will be good. I have been a personal development and success coach for 5 years not and the most genuine opportunity I have found is a 3 1/2 year old company.

  14. Tell them that your wife's mother-in-law died.  

  15. Tell your boss your in mourning as your goldfish has drowned.

  16. Migraine, vomiting all night, diarrhoea

  17. explosive diahrea lol

  18. just say you got a doctor's or hospital appointment

    they are legally not allow to ask you anything about it if you choose not to say, cause it's your personal business!

  19. work like a man and stop finding excuses. wat r u gonna understand if u get away from work for a day?stop acting like a kid who finds excuses not to go to school

  20. Phone in with the plumbing went bang over the weekend.

    You have to keep up the lie when you get to work.

    I would ring in and say a family member needs to be taken to hospital.

    And say you will be in the afternoon.

    Here is a little bit of wisdom.

    Half day sickies are not frowned apon as much because you make the effort to go in.

    And more believable.

    If you phoned in with bad guts everybody noes it usually lasts about 3 hours.

    I would rob them of half a day.

    They are not likely to bother putting it on your record for that.

    And like i said you made the effort to go to work afterwoods.

  21. Bad Back, almost impossible to diagnose or tell them you have malingering disease, that otta do it.

  22. Nan Died

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