
Decent mile time?

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I am currently starting my senior year in high school. I am in various activities such as Marching band and wrestling. For a personal goal i want to achieve my best mile run time possible. I am currently 5'9'' and 160 lbs. I run 2 miles a day during the summer, and so far my average run time is 17.1 minutes total, which means about a 8.5 min mile.

problem is 8.5 min doesnt feel right. is an 8.5 min/mile any good or should i continue working to improve this.

if i should continue to improve then how should i go about this?




  1. 8.5 doesn't sound like your max effort.  It is just what you are training at.  If you went to the track and went all out for four laps, you probably would be a lot closer to 7, I would bet.

    To improve, you need to start running a little more distance.  Also, you can do some track workouts.  If you want to get serious, you can join the XC team in the fall.  Or, if you are already too busy in the fall, I am sure you can train with them over the summer.

    Good luck.

  2. well...when i was a freshman girl my mile time was 6 minutes....try to improve it.  Go on longer runs.  Also, if you dont push yourself harder every day, it's harder to improve.

  3. If your easy pace is 8:30 /mile then you can race a mile a lot faster.  I'd be surprized if you couldn't run close to 6:00 or faster all out.

    You should not time yourself when doing easy runs.  It is important to run at a relaxed and comfortable pace.  As your fitness improves your pace will also improve. Once you are used to running 4 or 5 days a week and can do 4 mile runs you can start to add some faster running into the mix.  Right now I'd concentrate on slowly increasing the length of your runs.

    Here's a link to a beginners mile training program.

  4. Military basic trainees(men folk) have to run  2 miles in 18 mins so roughly 9 and 9. So youre good

  5. 8.5 min mile isnt very good..sorry....6 min mile is a good time...and as far as improving...doing more then just 2 miles a day will more distance to get endurance...and also do some spriting to help your time...make sure that ur breathing is deep and i normally a deep breaths in through my nose and out my mouth...breathing right can make the world of difference...

    also building muscles will improve your overall preformace too..

  6. As a female high school runner, I can run a mile in a 5k at 6 minutes 30 seconds, and in track about 6 minutes. So yes, you can get faster, by increasing that spppppeeeeeeeeeeeeed of yours.

    Take a longer run. It'll build endurance so you won't feel as tired to go a little faster.
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