
Deception, desperation or just plain unwillingness to face the truth of creation?

by Guest57221  |  earlier

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Better to go back to the credible lies, like a fish became a man.


Diamonds May Have Jumpstarted Life on Earth

One of the greatest mysteries in science is how life began. Now one group of researchers says diamonds may have been life's best friend.

Scientists have long theorized that life on Earth got going in a primordial soup of precursor chemicals. But nobody knows how these simple amino acids, known to be the building blocks of life, were assembled into complex polymers needed as a platform for genesis.

Diamonds are crystallized forms of carbon that predate the oldest known life on the planet. In lab experiments aimed to confirm work done more than three decades ago, researchers found that when treated with hydrogen, natural diamonds formed crystalline layers of water on the surface. Water is essential for life as we know it. Also, the tests found electrical cond




  1. I don't have much education.  However, my mama did leave a little bit of common sense in me.

    If I'm walking around the Sahara desert, surrounded by nothing but hugh sand dunes, and I come across a very fine Swiss watch in the sand, something tells me that there HAD to be a WATCHMAKER!

    Enough said.

  2. You know, science backs up it's arguments with evidence.  Every creationist I've talked to backs up his argument with logical fallacies, strawman arguments, discredited evidence and outright lies.  Seems to me it's the creationists that refuse to face the truth and prefer lying in the service of their faith.

    Oh, and ignorance.  Thanks for reminding me Pam.  Amino acids are present all over the universe.  They've been detected on comets.  As for where the matter came from, nobody knows for sure, but there are scientifically proven ways for something to come from nothing.  See link below.

    Empty space, we have discovered, is actually not empty at all. Quantum effects constantly produce particles and antiparticles "out of nothing," only to have them disappear few moments later.

  3. Where did the precursor chemicals, the simple amino acids, come from?  Billy Preston said it pretty well, nothin' from nothin' means nothin'.

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