
Decide in haste, repent at leisure? McCain/Palin ticket?

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Don't you also get that feeling?




  1. Wow so many words to fit Mccain:









    oh did I forget to mention...McSame?

  2. I doubt that Palin's "nomination" will make it through the convention. Announcing her as his VP candidate was a desperation move intended to draw the media away from covering the huge increase in support for Obama (read the legitimate polls for yourself). I doubt not that some sort of bullsuit sob story has already been fabricated that will "force" her to "reluctantly withdraw" her name.  Troopergate by itself should knock her out of the running.

    McSame will attempt to use Palin to steal former Hillery supporters away, then pick a running mate that he thinks will bring money and votes with him, probably Romney.

  3. I won't be that stupid.

    That's why my conscience is clear when I hear of all the deaths in Iraq.

    I didn't vote for W.  

    And I'll choose wisely this time again.

    Obama/Biden are my choice.

    I would rather have a person with 11 years as a senator than a person with 21 months of "executive experience."

    W had 8 years of executive experience and we all know how that turned out.

  4. Nope.We will see in November. Have your KoolAid ready.

  5. I got that feeling with the Democrats selecting Obama over Clinton

    Today's Rassmussen poll analysis

    There have been significant changes in perception of John McCain in the two days of polling since he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, 49% of Republicans voice a Very Favorable opinion of McCain. That’s up six percentage points from 43% just before the announcement. Also, 64% of unaffiliated voters now give positive reviews to McCain, up ten points since naming his running mate.

    There has been little change in perceptions of Obama since his Thursday night speech and the Palin announcement (see trends and other recent demographic observations).

  6. It is a shame most voters have not been asking themselves what is in elections for themselves individually. The rich few always get really richer while others fight to maintain their dignity through more struggles under the Republicans and can't afford to relax at all.

    I wonder if that will change in this one..

  7. McFailing

  8. No because I believe in less government and strong defense and low taxes. I vote Republican

  9. We shall see. Why, are you really worried yet? You should be.

  10. haste and geared toward the women like they have no brains @ all

  11. Demented people can hardly decide any thing.

    McCain could not even remember how many houses he owns let alone rule America.

  12. Presidential candidates have a vetting committee.  I first became aware of Palin in the early spring and so looked first at Google images.  Then later looking at other sites.  That was at least as far back as April.  I like most of what I saw then.  I seriously thought as late as last week it could be a woman and in better circumstances would have liked Condoleza Rice but she is connected to Bush.  The choice of Biden appears to be more hasty with a radical candidate having to listen to the DNC in order to maintain delegates prior to the convention.  On the republican side we have two mavericks.  On the democratic side  we have a radical leftist with many known radical leftist associates and flannel mouth from Scranton trying to reconnect to a place he has never represented or stood for for 36 years.  In any case I don't think this is any overnight decision for McCain.



  14. I agree,,

  15. It seems you've decided on something without ever hearing her speak?

  16. You make an excellent point.  One should carefully weigh the consequences of one's vote.

    It has been my belief sometime now that the key to winning this election and getting good governance that there had to be a red state governor on the ticket.  

    I rated Sarah Palin very highly and felt that I could support a ticket with her on board.

    I was shocked when McCain selected her.  My decision to switch my vote was immediate, but it was based on the careful calculation of what I would do if such a thing came to pass.

    Though frankly after hearing Jimmy Carter's sleazy words on Thursday night I was ready to vote McCain just to spite Carter.  About the time I had cooled down, this came on the news.  

  17. yes, the Obammer thing is starting to reel its ugly head forward into the limelight, where it is going to get chopped off before long.

    Palin is a great orator with little experience in federal policy.  sounds oddly familiar somehow.  hmmm?  underestimate her at your own peril, she is a dynamo with exceptional broad appeal.  you will see.

    but the difference is the GOP weak link is not running for president and she can speak off the cuff without a prepared speech like no one I have ever seen.  suck on that, weenie lib.  (figures you used the word "feeling," how typical of a pothead, ponytail dem.)

  18. If the RNC were wise thinking, they would quickly regroup and nominate someone else at the convention.   Although not interested, I am sure Condi would step up to the plate and serve if the request is made of her.

    This ticket has no redemption.  

  19. No, I don't. How would you know if he decided in haste? You don't think he's been thinking about this decision for months? I guarantee you he thought about it long and hard. I'm sure he had many scenarios in mind depending on Obama's pick. A very smart move. I do get the felling that Obama supporters are feeling a little bit panicked.

  20. That was clearly an act of desperation on McCain's side. He does not look well lately also. Negativity kills faster than cancer

  21. No. Palin's been on the VP list since February. And a fine choice.

    Good trite saying, tho'. Got any more?

  22. Truer words were never said.........

  23. I'll admit, Obama sounds convincing when he talks. But when he's not talking, I'm thinking. And doing math, and trying to figure out his position on things, and it's not realistic, it's not stable, and it's just political talk. He's good at it. He's great at it. But he's lying to me. I don't like that. I'm choosing the lesser of the two evils.

  24. My wife was happy at the possability of a female canadite, but she wasn't going to vote for clinton, but to now have a woman who shares her beliefs she is more energized at th oppertunity to vote McCain. I think dems will miss the point. It wan't a deffensive pick aimed at grabbing clinton supporters, if they are voting on issues than they won't vote rep. anyway. But it was more of an offensive , fire up my base type of pick, I would rather have people raise experience questions over a V.P. pick than a Pres. pick.

    The media needs to report on the very excited republican women!

  25. Character does matter!!!

    McCain/Palin '08

  26. Decide in haste, repent at leisure? Obama/Biden ticket?

    That's what I see.

    You can't tell me Obama was the best the Democrats had to offer.......or is that what you really feel?  

    You can repent in Nov when Obama's polished image has worn off and he loses.

  27. No. Is that the same tingly feeling going up Chris Matthews leg?

  28. McCain is apparently willing to gamble his whole campaign on one highly risky roll of the dice.

    I think that says a lot about McCain's decision making process.

    Will McCain be that way if he becomes president? I think he is telling us in no uncertain terms that he will.

    I sure as h**l don't want my president to gamble that cavalierly and with that degree of incredibly high risk with my country.

    Call me old fashion, but I prefer people, especially presidents of the United States of America, who make decisions that I can somewhat understand.

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