
Deciding between the U.S Air Force or Navy

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I am 17 years old, and I am a freshman in college(Doing distance education). I will be 18 this October and I currently live with my fiance of over 2 and a half years. I grew up in a Military family(Although my parents were not Military).

I never had any interest in the Military until I learned all the great benefits Health,College,etc. I looked into all 5 Branches(Even the National Guards and Reserve's) and have broken it down to 2 branches that I would want to be apart of. The US Air Force, and The US Navy.

I am currently going through proscessing with the Navy, but am having second thoughts because I have been hearing about all the times sailors have to keep going out to sea even when they are not deployed,etc etc.

I know I will have to be away from my fiance during basic,additional training, and deployments. I am fine with all that. However, going out to sea for 2 weeks,coming back a week, then leaving again is a little hectic for me. Of course I know it all varies.

But basically what I am asking is this, Between the Air Force and Navy which branch would be best for me to spend more time with my fiance(again excluding basic,additional, and deployments).




  1. ****: Through the Eyes of the Military

            An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35-pound pack on his back, 15-lb. weapon in his hand, having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is ****."

            An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45-pound pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having jumped from a plane and jogged 18 miles, says with a smile, "This is good ****."

            A Navy Seal lies in the mud, 55-pound pack on his back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 miles to shore, crawling through a swamp, and running 25 miles at night past enemy positions, says with a grin, "This is really great ****."

            A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65-pound pack on his back and weapons in both hands after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this ****."

            An Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air-conditioned, carpeted office in front of his computer and says, "My e-mail is out? What kind of **** is this?"

  2. I have your answer!  I just got out of the Navy in June.  All I can tell you is that it was a waste of 8 years of my life.  You know the term "Honor, Courage, Committment"...well it's all bullshiet!  When you enlist and end up on the ship.  All you will become is the Navy's janitor.  They will send you to working parties and cranking (helping the cook's) and other thing's not realated to your job of entry.  As you called it, yes you will be away from family all the time.  Even when the ship is in port you will have duty days which you have to stay onboard no exceptions.  When you deploy it is spend more time on water then on port whether oversea's or stateside deployment.  Keep in mind that you still have duty days also on deployments.  When you take the advancement exam and pass it it doesn't mean you will get the promotion.  It's all based off a quota and your Evals.  Here is why the Navy is ****** up:  Let's say you and another are are the same rate.  He take's alot of smoke breaks and skate's off while YOU bust azz and work hard.  If the person in charge of you two are cool with him. Then most likely he will get a better Eval then you.  He got it for all the wrong reason's but this is reality in the Navy.  Your Eval play's a big part in advancing and a lot of people get screwed over.  The crooked one's are the E-6's, they will do whatever it take's to make E7.  They don't care much for junior people and they will s***w you in a heart beat.  I have seen in throughout my 8 year's.  The Navy is full of individual's with no integrity.  Do the right thing and go Air will love it as they have more comraderie and you can concentrate on school.  The Navy does allow school but they just want you to work more and chance's are they will disapprove your request chit for school if they feel th ework on ship need's to be done first.  The militray is always mission first 24/7 365.....I'd be the first to advise you to get your education now and go Officer or stay civilian...

  3. My friend's in the Navy and he's either in Iraq or out to sea.  

    I heard on Yahoo! Answers that the Air Force life is the best; you will probably see your future wife everyday.

  4. I was in the Air Force

    I personally beleive  there is no other way to go

    Once basic training and tech school is over

    you are assigned to a perment duty station

    I found out that the marines navy and army  still each morning do a parade  march etc etc

    In the air force  on a normal shift (not counting war or military exercises

    but a normal shift be it  day  eveining or night  

    example day shift

    i was jet mechanic

    so at 7am i reported to my shop  took roll call went to work  hour for lunch  then off work at 330

    and each shift  same thing  

    was real close to a reg  job

    Only around once a year  or for special events  do  you ever have to march or   go to parade

    You can probablay expect  one tour over seas  not manitory  but count on it

    Other than that   you will have  exercises  everyonce in awhile that will take you away from home  maybe 30 days  and thats rare

    Of course over seas  there are some stations  germany japan ect   if  you are married  the spouse can join you as well

    Its really a piece of cake   considering

    youll have more time for school or play  than any of the other combined

    Also  if its still the case    basic training was 6 weeks  which is the shortest of all the branches   Its in San Antonio  very hot during the summear  If you can go in arouund  sep or so   the weather is not to bad

    i would not want any part of the navy  on those ships for 6months at a time  and can extend the tour

    Also the AF  is more into education  and probably closer to haveing fields which are compatable with the outside

    Hope this helps

    SSGT Seitz

  5. I say neither, go with the Army.  For two reasons.  First, they have a contract with you for the job you agree to.  The Airforce and Navy do not do that.  So they can tell you, "Oh, we are going to put you in this job" then when you leave basic they can change their minds!  Second, the Army has better education benefits and sign on bonuses!  Good luck!

  6. if you like seeing land....go Air Force..I'm a Corps brat and did 4 years in the Army...but my grandpa was Navy and land times were few and far between...GL

  7. There are up's and down's of both branches. As for you spending more time with your lady, no branch can promise that. It really depends on your unit. I had a friend in the navy at his 1st station did absolutly nothing. When he got to his other one, was in the persaisan gulf for 8 months. Same with the AF. I work with them, and they really don't do much. But they said at other units they're deployed for 4-6 months, or in the field. There's going to be down time, but then there's going to be time where you have to train. Basic and your job school, really depends on you. You could get hurt in either one, and have to restart it, or just wait till a class gets to where you left off. If you're worried about not working all that much, the military is not a safe bet. Like I said before, some don't and some do. And it's hard to say which ones do and where you could be stationed at. Good luck and I hope this helped.  

  8. I spent 4 years in the army and it was a lot of fun, my wife has been in the airforce for about a year and she loves it. She is a dental lab tech(she makes teeth) and has such a cake job.

    If you are looking to get married in the near future, especially at a young age, I would definatly not choose the navy.

    It also matters what you want to do. Dont pick a job based on the bonus or what the recruiter wants you to do, pick a job you think you could enjoy doing for however long your term is.

    Good luck!, I would go airforce.

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