
Deciding to have s*x?

by Guest59051  |  earlier

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I am almost 16 years old and i want to start having s*x. How do i tell my mum this and not freak her out. We have such a close relationship that it can sometimes make it hard for me to talk about such personal subjects. PLEASE HELP ME AND NO JUDGING OR SILLY ASNWERS!




  1. Honestly, s*x is not just something you wake up one morning and decide you want to start doing.

    If that was the case, I would have started having s*x when I was 13.

    The decision to have s*x should be based on a number of factors:

    1. Am I in a relationship?

    2. Is this relationship commited enough that if I got pregnant he would still stay with me and we would have a plan?

    3. Am I ready for the responsibilities of possibly raising a child, dealing with STD, dealing with emotional hurt?

    4. Do we have a plan in case I get pregnant. This plan should be agreed upon by BOTH parties. (If he assumes you would get an abortion and you assume you would keep the baby, that is not proper planning and will lead to some horrible problems. It would be his baby too and he has as much say in what happens to his offspring as you)

    5. Am I mature enough to purchase and use contraception?

    6. Am I mature enough to seek medical attention on my own in the case of a problem?

    7. Am I willing to tell my parents if something goes wrong?

    Since you and your mom have a close relationship, just tell her one day that you wanted to have s*x. Just come out and say it. She will be shocked...possibly angry and scared, but it opens a dialogue.

    However, I advise you not to go through with this whole "wanting to have s*x" thing if you aren't already in a commited and loving relationship. If you and single and decide you want to start having s*x, you will start actively seeking relationships with men and your impressions about the opposite s*x will start to revolve around "is he a good sexual partner?" rather than "Is he a good person."

    When you enter into a relationship with the sole desire of having s*x, your judgement is flawed.

    Wait until the right person comes around, and when he does, make sure you are willing to take responsibilty for your actions, even if that means you have to go to a clinic by yourself with your own money to get a pregnancy or HIV test.

  2. Dear Princess Baby!

    Based on the geographic conditions' variations across contents you are slightly reaching to a safe s*x age! However, the conflict in your mind is due to deep impact of your love for your mother.

    To overcome the situation you may have to do couple of things:

    1st try to win confidence of your mother which is not a hard thing because she had also been into your age earlier. The only problem for you is to make her understand your desires. For this you should make conversations with her in friendly way to depict maturity in you. This is not an exercise for life but it will take you only a week or fortnight to be closer to your mother's heart.

    2ndly I would like to advise you to drive carefully!!! As you are a teenager and must be suffering from extreme pressure of sexual desires you should not make early intercourses without protection. Because a young and healthy body tends to do anything my dear!

    Looking for your love life healthy and smiling...

  3. you can have vaginal s*x when your 16 you wont need to tell its part of growing-up unless your parents are as tight as an old man in speedos 16 is the legal age for s*x!

  4. I got pregnant at 16. Are you ready for a baby?

  5. why do you want to have s*x isn't 16 to young.

  6. i hope you are ready for any consequences.

    though i must tell you.

    if you take birth control, because that is what your mom will want if she doesn't say no and kill you, :D

    my opinion on birth control is rather - well not there at all.

    If you don't take the pill regularly at the same time everyday, it will TOTALLY mess up the whole cycle, and once you start forgetting to take them, because face it, you're a 16 teen year old. It could cause you to get pregnant like that.

    However, don't take the shot, unless you want to look like a blimp as you gain SERIOUS amounts of weight on the shot.

    If you really have thought about this, and want to go through with telling her, just come out and say it.

    "mom, i'm not going to beat around the bush or anything, but I have thought about this for a while, and I want to have s*x. Now, I know I'll be responsible and all, so if you could take me to get  birth control.. I'd appreciate it."

    you can start this up by helping her unload the dishwasher, or even while washing the dishes, but NEVER over dinner. It could make things uncomfortable.

    hope i helped,

    good luck.

  7. Why do you want to start having s*x?

    First figure out why it is that you want to start having s*x, especially if you aren't in a relationship? (no im not saying just go find a guy and call him your boyfriend)

    I was 15 when I first had s*x & ended up pregnant. I would not recommend for you to have s*x unless you are in a serious relationship because casual s*x is nonsense at 16. however, if you are in a serious relationship (something that has been going on for 6+mos) then tell your mom "I think that so and so are getting a bit serious and I'd rather be cautious if something were to happen." I would recommend for you to talk to your mother about birth control, condoms so on and so forth. Yes an uncomfortable conversation for you to talk about with your mother but she will find you very mature and respect you more if you talk to her BEFORE you do it. Even if you know the basics of protected s*x, let her talk to you about it even if she tells you everything you know. She'll be more supporting than you think.

  8. as you are 16 you dont have to tell but if you want let your mother know you are interested ask her about the pill and other methods of contraception

    That should start a quiet conversation

  9. I'm not judging you (saying that you're wrong or right).

    However, if you decided to have s*x and felt completely ready for it and had everything sorted, this question wouldn't be here.

    All you can do is tell her that you are ready to have s*x. There is no other way of telling someone and attempt to reduce the stress placed on them.

  10. Heya

    You cant just make the decision that your going to have s*x. first of all do you have a boyfriend ?? You may feel READY for s*x and thats a good thing because once you get a boyfriend you know you will feel comfortable with intimacy. I wouldnt tell your mum until you have actually got a boyfriend as you may freak her out if he thinks your going to have s*x with just ahy body. =] x*x

  11. here is the thing. once a guy gets in he leaves. Wait for one to marry you. because  if they can wait till then, that means that s*x will be more enjoyable and ever lasting. If i where you i would just stick to other s*x activities other then intercourse. trust me you will regret having s*x this early.

  12. sit down with her and tell her you are curious about s*x. let her know your interested in knowing more. ask her whats it like and everythin like that. tell her you wanna know all the details and she will feel more confident that you have the knowledge of it. also ask her about contrception and ask about the pill and if you could go speak to a doctor about this. im sure if you tell her that you are curious and want to know she will be happy to tell you.

    also just a lil bit of advice it not as exciting as everyone makes it out to be. it hurts alot when your first like 50times and still does to some degree depending on which guy your with. its a very serious thing. trust me once you do it you will be like was that it??? never believe the myths.

  13. dont have s*x untill youre ready and have a boyfriend that you trust.  because if youre first experience of s*x is bad it will put you off in future. trust me. i learned the hard way. i lost mine at nearly 16 2 and everytime i think of it i wan2 cry. dont make the same mistake.

  14. just go up to her and talk to her about it... i did when me and b/f started talking about having s*x... let me tell you now, that her reaction my surprise you, and she is going to be overwhelmed. in my opinion, it might be easier talking to her if you have a boyfriend, not that she thinks that you are going to go sleeping around.

  15. Just tell her, in a sensitive manor though, explain why u think your ready and that u havent yet done anything because you wanted her advise 1st. She will think more of you this way as you have came to her. Ask questions, as long as they arent crude or anything like 'what position feels good' she should answer you as best she can.

    Good luck :)

  16. well if you want to be mature.. having s*x is not the answer.. have you noticed all the immature kids having s*x on yahoo? and all the "oh c**p i'm pregnant, but i was on birth control.. what now?" questions..? if you truly want to show your mom that you're mature.. tell her that you're not going to have s*x until you marry the love of your life. it may seem like a stupid silly idea.. but i'll be 20 in august and i'm a virgin. sure there have been some tough times.. but i managed to get through it just fine. it empowers you, and you gain an incredible amount of respect for yourself and other people as well as self confidence and self control. if you feel the need to ignore all of this.. ask your mom for birth control pills- they can help clear your skin and they help regulate your periods..

    good luck. and please think first. act like a responsible adult.


  17. Show complete maturity and that you're completely ready and confident....and most importantly, asure her(and that you actually will) that you'll use protection.

    But no matter what you do, she'll freak out just a little bit, but maybe this'll help. Good luck

  18. If you have a close relationship with her it will most likely be easier but if you can not handle telling her face to face write a letter to her that how i did it but instead mine said i already had s*x lol.... so just write her a letter letting her kno how you feel....dont be afraid you can do it girl!!!!!!

  19. Just tell her you want to be in birth control pills because if you are not you would end up being pregnant take responsibility because having a child is not a easy task especially young take the first step and talk to her about it if you talk to her in a mature way and responsible way i don't think she is going to tell you no because she can't be on your back 24/7 after all is up to you

  20. show her that your adult enough to not go out and get pregnant, she'll respect u more for sitting down and discussing it with her xx

  21. honestly i think you should just sit her down and kinda start talking about s*x or just go get birth control

  22. just were protection

  23. Are you in a loving long term committed relationship?..if not you shouldn't be having s*x. Your too young to deal with the consequences of having s*x.

  24. Hi Princess baby,

    I love the idea that you are close with your Mom. believe you me when i tell you that there is no parent who will want to hear that her baby wants to have or is having s*x no matter what age.You wan to start having s*x at the age of 16 fine but just remember that you still have so many other years to leave ahead of you.By the time you are of age you will get your better half and he will ask for your hand in marriage.

    Please pick a rose flower and try to mention/remember the name of each and every man you would have slept with,by plucking off a petal of that flower(each petal representing a name)and see at the end what you will be offering your better half.

    Regards Ziggy

  25. First and foremost if you must start having s*x then please take the step to go to a health clinic and get yourself on birth control, and be stern that your partner use protection. You have to take the steps yourself to make sure that he is wearing a condom. You are too young to start having s*x, and I'm sure your mother will say the same thing. But, I would just sit down with her, and tell her, that you are considering having s*x. I'm sure she'll probably freak out, but she'll probably do the right thing and take you to the doctor herself.Because honestly even if she tells you that you are too young, as most younger people do these days, you'll do what you want and go ahead.

    Take responsibility for yourself, know that you can catch STD's, Aids, or even get pregnant! Make sure of protection!

    And I know  from personal expeirences....I started having s*x super young, and didn't go to my mom and talk to her. I was engaged to my now husband at 17 and found out I was pregnant with our now 7 year old daughter.
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