I have 3 children, boys 8 & 5, and a girl 11 mths. My husband is having a vasectomy next week, and we are currently trying to get pregnant before that date. We have kind of left it in the hands of fate... if we fall pregnant before then we are meant to have 4 kids, if not we will have our 3 happy healthy children.
I do worry about being pregnant so close to this baby, but I also worry about never being able to have more children
4 children was definitely not on the cards, but knowing that this is my last chance to have any more children, I am panicking.
Cancelling the vasectomy is not an option, he thinks this is the one way to tell for sure if it was meant to be.
Are we being silly leaving things up to fate?
Am I being selfish wanting more children when I am so lucky to have the 3 I have now?
I wonder if I will be upset if I do not fall pregnant and my husband has his vasectomy.
Friends & family have mixed feelings but most offer the advice that we should stop at 3.