
Decimal Division, Stuck...Please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on Decimal Division right now and I got given homework to do

2 weeks ago, but never got round to doing it. Now my 2 weeks is up

and I still haven't done it, I come to do it but my minds gone blank!

There are a few sums that have been answered that I worked through with my tutor. But now I'm completely stuck.

The sums look like this (example):


1 ) 8.4


5 ) 41

The answer to the second sum is 8.2

and it came out like this



5 ) 41.0

I have no idea where the '.0' came from. I remember my tutor saying you can invent as many zeros as you want, but why would you?

another sum is

3 ) 7.5

and the answer is 2.5

but theres a tiny 1 on the right hand side top corner of the 5

presumably to make it 15. But why would you make it 15?

I am so lost.

Here are a few of the sums if you would help me through them

I would be very grateful as I am running way out of time!!

I'm such a procrastinator! I've learnt my lesson now :S

9 ) 55.8

6 ) 37.2

5 ) 19.5

2 ) 6.2

1 ) 1.2

3 ) 21.9




  1. the reason you invent zeros. is because it makes it ten so you can divide into it. for instance the 41 divided by 5...5 goes into 40 8 times. but cannot go into 1 so you put a decimal and add a zero to make it 10. 5 goes into 10 twice. hence 8.2, as for the tiny one, i dont know, i would have to see it. and as for the last questions... are you dividing or is that the answer..if you have to divide...

    9) 55.8= 6.2






    if those are the answers.

    take those numbers and multiply them together.

    9x55.8 and so on.

  2. Hi!  I hope that this helps:


    1)  8.4








    5)  41.0

       - 40



         - 1.0




    3)       7.5

            - 6



             - 1.5




    9)       55.8

           -  54



              - 1.8




    6)            37.2

                -  36



                   - 1.2




    5)     19.5

          - 15



          -  4.5




    2)   6.2

        - 6



         - .2




    1)    1.2

         - 1



           - .2




    3)   21.9

        - 21



           - .9



    .0 means that the number 41 has three significant digits (the 4, the 1, and the 0, because the 0 comes after the decimal point (you will learn more about this later if you haven't already)).

    Don't think of math as a chore, because if you do then you will realize that the more you struggle the deeper you will sink, and the more hopeless things will become for you.  Remember that the only competition that you're facing in your life is yourself, and surpassing your limits.  If you think of math as a hobby, or something to do in free time, or even something to become better at just because you want to become better at it, then things will become easier for you


    Oh yeah, this is division, and not sums

  3. Clueless

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