
Deck Hockey Glove? Not Bulky or expensive?

by  |  earlier

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Been playing for 3 years now. I use ice hockey gloves and they are just to big and bulky for me. Anyone have any brands, links or ideas for any kind of glove with a little padding? Dosnt really have to be a hockey glove. thanks!




  1. u can go online to like easton, or warrior. they have good gloves. jus type in like easton gloves or warrior gloves. if u playin for 3 years, u should geta pretty good one. i suggest going into an actual store instead of online, so u can get a perfect fit.

  2. Lacrosse gloves are light and cheaper. Mylec made a small street hockey glove that was kinda like a padded winter glove. Meachanix makes a cut proof glove with kevlar knuckles I used to use for security.

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