
Deck making help?

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I want to make a new deck that contains the Gladiator Beast cards.Can someone give me suggestions and maybe a good deck list?




  1. Monsters (21)

    3x Gladiator Beast Laquari

    3x Gladiator Beast Dimacari

    3x Test Tiger

    2x Gladiator Beast Octavius

    2x Gladiator Beast Murmillo

    2x Test Ape

    1x Gladiator Beast Alexander

    1x Gladiator Beast Bestiari

    1x Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

    1x Sangan

    1x Snipe Hunter

    1x Witch Doctor of Sparta

    Spells (12)

    3x Shrink

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Brain Control

    1x Smashing Ground

    1x Premature Burial

    1x Gladiator Beast’s Battle Manica

    1x Lightning Vortex

    1x Enemy Controller

    1x Monster Reborn

    Traps (7)

    3x Defensive Tactics

    2x Parry

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    Total Cards: 40

    “Defensive Tactics” is a Trap Card made just for the Gladiator Beasts! It protects your monsters from being destroyed in battle, and it keeps you from taking Battle Damage. Flip it up when your opponent attacks a Gladiator Beast—your monster won’t get destroyed, but it did battle, so you’ll get to tag out to another Gladiator! You can even use “Defensive Tactics” on your turn. If you do that, you could send smaller Gladiators against bigger monsters just to tag them out!

    “Test Tiger” is one of the best cards for any Gladiator Beast Deck. You can Special Summon it from your hand any time you’ve got a Gladiator on the field. Then, its effect lets you Tribute “Test Tiger” to tag out any Gladiator Beast you control and bring in another. You can destroy a Trap with Octavius’s ability before heading into battle, or you could wreck a big monster thanks to Murmillo. Any Gladiator Duelist will want a few copies of “Test Tiger”!

    “Gladiator Beast Laquari” goes to 2100 ATK, while “Gladiator Beast Hoplomus’s” DEF becomes 2400. Those are some pretty huge monsters. “Gladiator Beast Bestiari” lets you destroy any Spell or Trap Card on the field when he’s Summoned, and “Gladiator Beast Murmillo” can blow away any face-up monster!

    “Gladiator Beast Alexander” has 2400 ATK, which is enough power to match monsters like “Jinzo” or “Raiza the Storm Monarch.” You can only bring him out with “Gladiator Beast Dimacari,” the double-attacker, but Alexander’s more than just a powerhouse in battle: he’s also not affected by Spells! Cards like “Brain Control” and “Smashing Ground” cannot put a stop to this Gladiator.

    “Gladiator Beast Octavius” is even bigger, wielding a mighty 2500 ATK! Octavius is the biggest of the Gladiator Beasts, and he lets you destroy a face-down Spell or Trap Card when he hits the field. You can Special Summon Octavius with most of Gladiator Beast, so that means you’ll have little problem bringing a 2500 ATK monster to the field for no Tributes!

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