
Decorating My Locker Wiccan/Witch Style.?

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Any ideas for decorating my locker in a witch/wiccan style? I am a practicing witch, and would like a cool locker.




  1. My advice to you; Although you are a novice witch,Keep your religion outside the school as a lot of institutions do frown upon that.

  2. This is just my opinion, but Keeping religion and School separate is a good practice to get into. Some people may take your style as devil worship and not react well.  

  3. Wicca and witchcraft are not about being cool and serious followers take offence at their beliefs being used as a fashion statement.

    If something has particular meaning for you, put it up.  If you find something cool, I can't stop you from putting it up.  But the fact that you're asking us for cool Wicca ideas suggests what you're really looking for is things that are obviously Wiccan that other people in your school will recognise.  You're either bragging, looking for drama, or both.  Grow up.

    Edit:  I don't care if you're an actual practitioner (although if you are one wonders why you say "witch/wiccan" as if they are synonymous).  You're still looking for drama, and you're still using my beliefs as a fashion statement.  The only thing that changes if you are a practitioner is that you're disgracing your own path as well as ours.

  4. Wiccan is not a fashion or a style.

    Honestly, and you teens wonder why we adults scoff at your claims of being Wiccan!

  5. take some eggplant colored wall paper and put it on ur locker walls, even though u cant light them, stick some candles and incense in there for look and smell, then stick some pics of witches, Wiccan, etc. stuff like that on the inside of the door. hope that helps !

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