
Decorating a new home- SO overwhelming, where to begin?

by  |  earlier

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Oh thanks a lot buddy, that's really helpful. Nice english by the way.




  1.      I'm not sure if this works for everyone, but try starting somewhere that you'll be often, say, the kitchen. Then find a piece that you want the design to revolve around, like a color, an accessory, etc. and work from there.

         Shopping for color palettes helps a lot too, and I'm sure people at your local hardware store would be happy to help you decide on one.

         Another thing that helps me is to have a "theme". For example, my bedroom is "Indian Gypsy" themed, and I just worked around that. Good luck!

  2. First and foremost, what do you like.  Go to stores and find styles that suit you.  Look at websites to find a style ex:,,,,  Once you have that figured take a look at the colors, fabrics, furniture styles.  What are the things in the room that you are drawn to.  Is it the lamps, the paint color, the shape of the table?  Print out pics of favorite rooms.

    Now you can identify a basic style for the home.  

    Pick a room.  I would recommend picking one you will be in a lot.  A family, living room for example.  Kitchen if you have the $.  It will make you happy to get a room done that you look at all the time.  

    Assess what you have.  Will the furniture you have work in that space, is it the right style.  Can you mix and match furniture previously used in another room for this room.  Ex: night stand as end tables.

    Now what do you need.  A new couch, new dining room chairs?  Look online.  Check out craigslist, you might find a great deal.  

    Pick a paint color and get the main structure handled first.  Do you have molding to paint, nail holes in walls to patch?  Once the bones are covered start bringing in furniture.  Try to think outside the box.  A sofa could float instead of being up against a wall.

    When you are shopping and unsure.  By everything you think might work.  Get it home see what works in room and take the rest back (just make sure the store has a fair return policy).

    Put it together and relax in it.  It might take a month to fully understand the purpose of the room and how your family is using it.  

    Have fun!

  3. lol, calm down. start where ever u like, and just go from room to room. personally, i'd either begine with my bedroom or living room, now that i think about it, living room, definalty. it's the most promident room, and says the most about ur home. what kinda style do u hae or want? shop around at furnishure stores for things u like, but take ur time, and don't settle on something ur not sure about. It can be kinda frustrating. i like more modern styled rooms, but that's just me. i'd do it in a way that was warm and inving, and rather modest, but still elegant looking, if that makes any sense. but ti's all completely up to u, and what u have to work with.

    then i'd go to the kitchen, and honestly,  i prefer more solids and basic designs, as oppose to a theme. my mom's has apples all in it, and it's hideous....

    What kinda colors do u like? that can really make a difference in everything. A theme is nice, but something subtial, like just a color scheme. For the bathroom, again, go with what u like. sears has some really cute stuff for bathrooms, i love the little monkies. lol

    don't worry too much about it all tieing into each other, it'll blend as you go along, and adding small little touches here and there can really help.

    best of luck, hope this helps some, and congrats on the new home!

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