
Decorating a new home.?

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We bought a new home and I am not that good at decorating my home.

I would like to know if they are any online links that can help meout.

I would also like to know if you can let me know some stores where I can find good stuff for reasonable prices.

I dont want to spend too much and too less.

Thnaks for all your time and effort.




  1. when re-decorating home, bedroom or any other room, always try to choose colors according to feng shui. in this case you will activate powers of 5 elements (water, earth, metal, wood and fire) and support all your lucky "areas" - this will attract love, romance, wealth, money, prosperity, luck etc etc

    color ideas:

    color guide by compass direction:

    bedroom ideas and tips

  2. most shops do 'budget' paint now.  go with 'one coat' stuff for good coverage and less chance of having to go over it again.  go round all the edges first, then fill in the rest with a roller.  as long as you do all the edges and tricky bits first it will come out looking neat.

  3. I am not sure if you need furniture or just accessories but my favorite stores to shop at are Zgallerie, horchow, Pier1 imports, target,hobby lobby, and blisshomeliving. They all are affordable and have good quality decoratings and furniture. I wouldn't buy the furniture at target though, just decor.  

  4. If you would like some really nice unique items for decorating your home you can find some really nice handmade items on or this site is a site for individual artist and crafters and there is a large variety of items to choose from.

    Check out home decorating groups, you can find some on yahoo.

    one you can check out is

    Do a search for blogs on home decorating you can find a lot of nice blogs.

    here are a few you could look over.

    and I know you asked for online information, but you might want to check out your local thrift stores for some great bargins.

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