
Decreasing room Humidity?

by  |  earlier

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Hello friends,

I am in Germany fir awhile and this area is more humid than my own area, and it causes me bone pain and I be sick most the time. my question is that Is there any way to decrease my room humidity? and make it a bit drier.




  1. De-humidifiers are a good way to lower humidity. Also, if the temperatures are high, air conditioners also keep the room at a normal level of humidity (40-60% humidity).

  2. Yes!  Go to a drugstore and ask them about a "de-humidifier."  In the states you can buy them at a Rite-Aid, CVS, or what have you.  You can also buy them at a large supercenter like Walmart, Target, etc.  I'm sure it's the same there if they have such stores.  But at the very least, a pharmacy in Germany should have them or at least be able to tell you where to get one.  Many people need de-humidifiers for health reasons.

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