
Decreasing the amount you eat?

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helps you lose




  1. Less calories less fat =D

  2. eat slowly.

    take small bites.

    chew your food carefully.

    don't put more food on your plate than you want to eat.

    it takes 20 minutes from the time you start eating till your brain knows you have food in there. so, don't shove your face full during that time. also, take a small sip of water between bites to help fill up the space in your tummy.  just don't do something stupid like trying not to eat at all. stay away from those pro-anorexia sites. seriously. If you try to not eat, you will cave in eventually, and eat a lot more than you would have otherwise.

  3. Hi there it is well publicised that diets are not worth the paper they're written on. I make the suggestion that you visit its an amazing site with some great free help and support. I lost 7 pounds in five weeks by following their techniques  

  4. it dosent, try reducing carbs.

  5. if you sound clueless, it's because you are!!

    anyways, decreasing the amount you eat will help you slow down gaining weight.

    when you decrease your food intake, your body actually stores it as carbs to give your body back up energy since your body needs energy all the time.

    if you wanna lose weight, you gotta continue eating the same amount you are eating, but you gotta exercise too.

    2 things.

    eat till you are comfortably full. (you feel fed, but not pigged out)

    and exercise at least 20 - 30 mins a day. cardiovascular helps!!

  6. you burn calories already in your system.

  7. well if you eat too much, then yes it will help. but ordinarily i would say no. your body metabolises to survive on whatever amount you choose to eat (unless it is too much more than you are burning). the maount of calories that suit u is diff for every person. u shouldnt eat less than 1200 cals. the best way to lose weight is to eat low GI foods and exercise daily. (think about it - doctors say that everyone should do an hour of exercise a day. so if u dont do any at all, ur bound to gain weight)

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