
Decribe your expereince at the beach/ocean?

by Guest59083  |  earlier

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Decribe your expereince at the beach/ocean?




  1. At newport beach, california. I arrive at the beach to find a great swell. With my boegey board in hand I jump into the brisk Pacific

    Ocean. After a couple great rides in the waves I jump onto my towel and let the lapping waves and the tranquil air put me to sleep. THE PERFECT DAY AT THE BEACH.

  2. Surfing is an ocean sport. before you decide to surf, decide to know and understand the ocean. You need to learn to be at home with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes BIG waves. The original surfers were watermen (and women, both men and women surfed, but certain waves were reserved for royalty).

    I spent almost all of my teen years, swimming, sailing, surfing, scuba diving and fishing. I even surfed in different places the Navy sent me, when it was possible. `I started surfing in 1966. In the mid sixties, like almost everybody else, I started on a longboard. I went shorter and shorter every summer, during the 'short board revolution.'

    I had spent all of my summers at the Jersey shore, and I had been swimming in the ocean and back bays since i was six or seven. So, for me, the waterman part of surfing came easy. It took me a whole summer, of surfing almost every day, for two or three hours a day to get "decent". I really didn't get 'good' until my second summer.

    I was lucky, and spent my summers at the beach until I went in the Navy, and even then, i was stationed near some beaches, and I got in my share of surfing.

    I lived at a seashore resort full time for years, but for the past 27 years, I have lived two hours away from the closest beach. But I still go there every chance I get. I just spent five fantastic days at the beach (in a motel, desperately like a tourist, ...I know...) and I surfed two sessions every day. I may drive down for a day trip of Saturday, to see if Hurrican Bertha has things fired up.

    In the dead, cold of winter, I drive over 600 miles to surf, and fish. My experience with the ocean/beach? It is my second greatest source of joy (family comes first), and it is  my oldest friend.

  3. amazingg

    i <3 the ocean more than a pool and the sand is so amazingly comfortablee

    i go at least 3 times a week and boogie board and its soo funnn!!!

  4. ooh i love the beach the same as i love the pool but the beach is a great place to go with family and friends

  5. To me, here in Hawaii, the ocean is heaven on earth!  Every time I go into the water to freedive I thank God for this beautiful place.  Not only does the ocean provide a place for recreation, but it also helps me feed my family and pass on a tradition of fishing, spearfishing and gathering to my kids.

  6. One time, on memorial day weekend, I went surfing at my local surf spot, and there were a million tourists there. I have no idea what language they all spoke, but they pissed me off, because the beach is divided into 2 parts (swimmers and surfers)

    the swimmers decided to start invading the surfing area, and two of them were freakos, and decided to come up to my friend and I while we were waiting to catch a wave.

    They swam p to the back of my board, and one of them grabbed my ***, so when I caught the next wave, I waited till I was close enough to them, and I jumped off and let m board hit that guy.

    thats my most annoyed time at the beach lol

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